Holy fucking fuck that is the cutest fucking little fucking thing I have ever seen!!! I don't want a pygmy marmoset, I don't want a pygmy marmoset - they are endangered but FUCK its because they are irresistible.
Holy fucking fuck that is the cutest fucking little fucking thing I have ever seen!!! I don't want a pygmy marmoset, I don't want a pygmy marmoset - they are endangered but FUCK its because they are irresistible.
How do I apply?
Even thought i am always boss, I need a lady boss like the one pictured.
Thanks. I will take that as a compliment.
I think that men standing up against catcalling is great and very necessary.
Lets not compare notes on how we have individually helped victims of violent crime like rape in our society. I would win.
Cool. I was really commenting on the murder comment I quoted. I could get into how women of all colors and shades experience harassment, abuse and murder historically more than males of any color or shade. Because it happens within all classes, races and ethnicities, in the world. I was just saying in general, per…
Still not a fraction of the male dollar. The stats say women make 75 cents to the male dollar I would bet its more like 25 cents to the male dollar if those stats were accurate. The professional jobs I have had women who are more experienced and educated. meaning they can do more work and do it better, were still…
Awwww. Too sad too bad. Maybe the company programmed them to return home to resell. Brilliant!
Reminds me of Willow Smith Flip your hair song and video.
I didn't say I didn't like you or that I hated you. Comprehension isn't your strong suit.
Well vegetarians poop doesn't smell that bad. Rotton old meat is disgust. But personally I don't want to smell anyone's poop, ever. It is gross to go into a public bathroom and smell it. Gag
I comprehend fine. And, Fuck you with a capital F.
Women have been showing there asses since the beginning of human existence. Why does media set up to completely different types of butts to compare? Then media uses race to try to get more people upset about it. Why? To sell their magazine or show and you all fall for it.
Why hate? Jealous much? Plus the interviewer brought it up.
Well they are different types of butts. To get either you can do the correct exercises and diet controls.
Stop putting words in her mouth. Both butts are not my preference in a woman but both butts are fine and I am sure millions find both attractive.
This article is nuts. The cop sounds paranoid schizophrenic,. I mean if a McDonalds employee was mad at you for being an ass customer they would probably have time to spit on your burger but intentionally giving you broken glass? I don't buy it.
Thanks for the comment. Let me start by saying cops shouldn't be killing anyone. In general if a cop kills a lower class white person it will fall in the cracks. No one cares. If a cop kills a middle class person of color there family will be educated enough, even if they have little to not money, to raise hell…
Your post is so racist an offensive. You also sound really uneducated. So sad indeed.