
WTF? Theses are interesting ideas to explore but in the context of calling Jay Z a pimp is stupid. All women going into the entertainment industry understand they will get ahead by selling there bodies because sex sells and heteronormative patriarchal males still make top decisions. Plus with all his privilege

1. What is up with the Kale Shirt? Can I get one, I love to eat Kale.

I am not usually an eye for eye type or violent type, buuuuut why don't they cut off those types of doctors penises, if they have one. It sounds violent but it may help reduce the number of violence and deaths against the girls.

Beautiful voice. This is the type of music I like and appreciate and hear alot where I live. We need more music like this, original, authentic, meaningful, moving, live, not drowned out by the instruments. I am so sick of people just following heteronormative patriarchal mainstream TV and radio - gag that singer

"Don't kid yourself: cops can still kill pretty much whoever they want (at least if the victim isn't white)"

Amazing!!! Mesmerizing!!!

This is amazing. I have so many things to say, so many questions. Mainly - did you notice all the brand dropping? I mean you don't even see that many brandnames in a full length movie. What was that about? Otherwise, I snapped my banana in half before eating it.

Halfway through, gotta pause to grab a banana snack (seriously). BRB

People like you rape and enable rape.

Holy fucking shit he ate every single fucking treat!!!! Like its his birthday! He was probably thinking that all those other suckers just passed the raw meat up and he gets it ALL. He even went for all the toys. His ears flopping while choking down the chunks of meat around 1:15 melted my heart and made me LOL.

Speak for yourself, definitely not for "white people."

Yeah they don't care about women in general.

I don't a group of light skinned women talking about obstacles of brown skinned women would not have made them feel uncomfortable but would have upset WOC.

This is offensive to me and some of these artist would and should be offended by this comment. Johnny Depp is half Cherokee. Zoe Saldana identifies as black and has brown skin.

Well said. I would add that I think they should also offer all women equal pay while offering all women equal opportunities in film which has been a recent hot topic in film.

Why can I only star this fetching cat only once. It is not fair.

She was a baby and not his type. I learned on Jezebel that rapist and pedophiles are different and usually don't cross their victim preference. It said pedophiles prefer prepubescent children and are only attracted to that. He was moslty into "barely legal" impressionable young women but all past puberty.

BILL COSBY IS THE SERIAL RAPIST, and she was one of his victims. You can used the word alleged if you don't believe the 15 or so accusers now.

Never saw these ruthless bullies!!! I have mixed emotions.

Adorable. I applaud these people! Babies are so cute! I wish I had the energy and heart to bring a baby into this sexist capitalist yuck yuck world.