I think we all know there was no actual mixup. This is Trump we’re talking about, after all.
I think we all know there was no actual mixup. This is Trump we’re talking about, after all.
The best con artists know this well. They set up their scams so the mark ends up begging to be conned again and again, convinced their fleecing was just “bad luck” or a “mistake,” or the “cops” turning up at the wrong time.
Even balloons can be dangerous in the hands of idiots. We had two power outages last year (one lasting over 8 hours), caused by mylar balloons released from reveal parties hitting power lines.
4. Will the movie cover the making of itself, and will that movie cover the making of the making of itself, and so on, in an endless recursion of self-reference?
I love how Spam is apparently a portmanteau of “Spiced Ham.” Spiced? How is that lump of Platonic blandness in any way spiced?
The problem with this line of reasoning is that it assumes sexual assault survivors are all the same. Dumping every survivor into the “traumatized victim” bucket is an unhelpful stereotype that only serves to perpetuate the harm of the original assault, the perpetrator of which is able to continue to exert control…
I’m very biased against sexual assault, and I’ve never been a victim or a perpetrator of it. Is WaPo saying they only want reporters who are ambivalent about sexual assault to cover it? What kinds of psychopaths are they grooming over there?
And nobody should be allowed to cover economic news, since they're all affected by the economy. Sports should also only be covered by people who know nothing about it.
Not to mention that boomers were probably also the last “mass culture” generation. They watched the same tv shows, listened to the same chart music, read the same newspapers. This created a homogeneity of perspective that further leveraged the power of their sheer numbers.
I agree that the boomers are, as a generation, awful and have done appalling damage.
If you're a Formula 1 fan, you can walk the street circuit. It's fascinating and terrifying to think how the drivers can go so fast on such tiny streets.
Nah, boomers just learned that communism was “bad” and that’s all they needed to know. Not for them the nuances of Marxist theory or the specific deficiencies of Maoism or Stalinism. It was all just “evil” and “the work of Satan.” God’s a capitalist, dontcha know?
“...because no childhood heroes have ever turned out to be monsters at all...”
Well, I’m convinced!!
Space exploration is basically rounding error in the US budget; less than half of one percent. Yet it’s constantly positioned as the poster child for why we can’t have other nice things, like a decent social safety net.
“I couldn’t even tell you that he looked all that Black.” Well, that explains why Mr. Altheimer isn’t dead: no point wasting ammo until you’re sure, right Cletus?
Because there sure as hell isn't any fruit in them.
And if someone does bother to “educate” them, they usually respond with a stack of whatabouts. The invitation to educate is just a ploy to tie the other person up in knots and “win.”
I had a boss with similar habits. He’d make his PA print out all his emails; then he’d dictate his responses and have the PA type and send them. That was the extent of his interaction with technology.
These are just the early stages of the process that will ultimately sweep Dwyane Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho into the White House.