Sorely Vexed

A Casio statistical calculator got me through my Econometrics Final. Why waste time calculating by hand, when you can enter all the data points, hit the regression analysis key and get the answer?

I lived in a few high-rises when I was young, and it was fun to feel like a big shot and have easy access to midtown amenities and vibrant nightlife a few minutes away.

I’ve managed game and other software development teams for more years than I care to remember, and the one common denominator they all shared is a near total disregard for conventional fashion.

I completed this quest when I first played CP77 two years ago, and agree it was pretty good. Even so, I didn’t want to repeat it on my recent playthrough. That quickly became a problem, because the individual quest stages kept interfering with other things I was trying to do throughout the game.

Didn’t see your coment until I’d posted the same. My Catholic family was full of 8-9 lb “premature” babies.

I thought I might be a “superdodger” after 2.5 years without catching the ‘rona. Then I guess I bobbed when I should have weaved, because it nailed me good last month.

Sounds like the kind of story someone who gave birth “too soon” after the wedding would tell their church friends. “Our baby was born very prematurely.” Sure, Jan.

I watched the NBC interview and it was appalling. Very little to nothing about Fetterman’s policies, but plenty about his “communication issues.”

While I do think there’s a future for us in space, it certainly won’t save us from the problems we’ve created here on Earth. And it’ll take a hell of a lot of scientific, technological, and social innovation before space travel is anything more than a hobby for billionaires and governments.

Was Sheev Palpatine unavailable?

But isn’t the issue with incels not that they can’t access warmth, affection, etc. but that they can’t access it from women they regard as sufficiently “hot” to satisfy the incels’ inflated egos?

Brittle tough-guy bluster? Check

Its the nostalgia effect. People always claim things were better/safer during their childhoods, when in fact the only difference is that certain types of crime were swept under the rug back then.

Why is the cult stuff always so banal with these characters? Is it that they only put in the minimum work necessary to attract the followers they need? The worldbuilding is really lacking.

A god that created humans to be curious then immediately punished them severely and forever for exercising that curiosity.

“...his serious medical issues tie him to the community.”

That “detained” vs “arrested” stuff is total BS. Am I in handcuffs and not free to leave? Then I’m arrested, no matter what you want to call it.

And all of it so fawning. I keep expecting Lester Holt to burst into tears.

Centre Parcs is still going? Wow, I thought for sure the pandemic would’ve put paid to those hellholes, particularly since they seem to have been intentionally designed as rapid viral incubators.

I went the other direction. I came to the US in 2006 after living in the UK for much of my life. To say the healthcare “system” here came as a shock is a gross understatement. It’s a hideous mess that’s been permeated by predatory capitalism at every level.