Sorely Vexed

No, see, the genius of it is he’s going to *act* like a competent governor. He’ll go full method and embody the role completely. He’ll stay in character for the entire term. It’ll be his crowning achievement as an actor!

Because a large segment of the (white) population would rather starve to death than let an “undeserving” (black) person get a dime they’re “not entitled” to.

Point taken, but even that’s a tenuous claim, given the direct line was broken several times over the centuries, when various Eurotrash relatives were plonked on the throne.

Sorry, that should have been WWI. Got autocorrected.

I took Harry’s refusal to name names as a warning to his family. He seemed to be saying “I’ll keep my mouth shut, but you’d better cut the shit, or something might slip out.”

“Why not counter with an even bigger interview admitting all this and pretending to have learned something and marking a new era for the British monarchy?”

Saxe Coburg Goethe, if you please. Sanitized to “Windsor" during WWII, of course, when being German wasn't a good look.

The last pic just made me think of the Teletubbies. Eh-oh!

My first job out of college was with Citibank, in the late 80s. The CEO was in the thrall of some “guru” or other who ran “New Age Thinking” programs for all staff.

Unless the dogs take their daily shit on the Consitution, they aren’t Republicans.

My late father was of the Queen’s generation. He served in the British Navy during WWII and had raging PTSD that made my life growing up hell. Any suggestion that he should seek help was met with incandescent rage. His friends and relatives of the same age were no different. Seeking help was weak.

The current Democratic party fills the void left by the 1980s GOP.

All those temporarily embarrassed millionaires that don't realize they'll carry that embarrassment to their graves.

The idea that a dynasty of whey-faced cousin fuckers is worried about the “purity” of their bloodline is hilarious. What’s the matter: afraid your descendents might have healthy complexions and actual chins?

Philip has a long track record of making racist “jokes” and remarks on the public record, so much so that a comment about “dark babies” made in private would probably merit nothing more than a few knowing asides and a “there he goes again” eyeroll.

Even their name reeks of artisinal buckskin iPhone cases.

When I saw all the public histrionics and overt displays of grief during Diana’s funeral, I remember thinking, “when did we stop being a nation of stiff-upper-lip, Blitz surviving, Battle of Britain, fight-them-on-the-beaches, Dunkirk-spirit badasses and start being a nation of blubbering emo twits?”

But they’re both “bad,” you see? These people only understand “bad” and “good,” in the narrowest possible sense. Anything they don’t understand is bad. Anything that panders to their infantile notions of “God” and “country” is good.

In our society, white people are presumed to have the right to be where they are, doing what they are doing. Black people are not presumed to have these rights, so they are compelled to justify their presence and actions...if they’re lucky.

I feel for Andre Talley, but when it comes to money, there are no “gentlemen.”