The Pences are shameless carpetbaggers, so this is at least on-brand.
The Pences are shameless carpetbaggers, so this is at least on-brand.
Ironic, considering what a bunch of wankers they are.
He probably thinks “Aktion T4" was an early sports drink.
Cops have the deep understanding of domestic abuse situations and how to resolve them that only comes from being abusers themselves.
Apparently, having your pants on the ground increases COVID risk, too!
To flip the old adage: “Never ascribe to incompetence that which can better be explained as malice.”
Screw bipartisanship. Anyone who’s been paying attention knows all the GOP wants is to be back in power, and they’ll do whatever it takes to achieve it.
Two. Two? Two. Out of 25,000. Suuuuure.
I assume there's a special section just for the My Pillow guy.
My dad used to call the bathroom “the library.” He was not a funny man.
They threatened to sue the small print-advertising company I worked for years ago, because we put the Disney logo about a millimeter too close to another company logo in a magazine ad we ran, contrary to Disney’s absurdly-specific rules.
Such was my loathing for this vapid golddigger that I vowed to “Be Worst,” just to spite her.
They really should rename themselves the “No True Scotsman Party.”
Well, it would save a lot of money not holding all those pesky elections, and you know how careful the GOP are with money.
There’s that subset of many immigrant communities that fled authoritarianism and oppression, then turned around and voted for every aithoritarian they could find.
Seriously. Does he think if he “white mans” hard enough he’ll suddenly wake up one morning as Chad Chadwick III?
Hey Mckey: tell me which of your overpriced products will cure my muscular dystrophy and I’ll buy a truckload of it.
Why would they? Half of the PBs are probably off-duty cops.
Trying to change a child’s preferences is a clear sign that the parent expects the child to live the parent’s life, not their own.
Wasn’t the trial moved there because it’s a bedroom community for LA cops?