okay, but what about...?
okay, but what about...?
Marilyn Monroe’s feet.
what i wanna know is: are we ready for it?
we might be there now. I want to see Jez ALL over this.
oh, you’re not wrong; some - undoubtedly, many - will be able to continue the mental gymnastics required to convince themselves that their American brand Christianity gives them some sort of moral high ground. But fuck “civility” - WE can stop respecting their shitty little snowflake beliefs, and we can stop the…
we protest in front of their churches and homes with pictures of women who have died from unsafe abortion procedures, and pictures of all those precious itty bitty fetuses who were born just to be abused and/or killed. We canvas every street with stats on how the abortion rates have gone UP - because they WILL - due…
okay but can i get an abortion there?
Stone Roses / Ian Brown. I still revisit The Second Coming occasionally (shut up!) and Brown made some fun, post-greatness vanity albums in the early part of the century.
i was there. Introduced my 13 y/o daughter to Man On The Moon last week, Jim & Andy next, then on to Taxi...
is there any doubt that this white rage broflake piece of shit has a not-insignificant arrest record in his past? Domestic abuse charges at the very least.
3/4 of everything to the right of Marxism is still too “socialistic” for the Trump-humping fetus-fetishist Christ trash in this country.
they’re reaaally not showing much of that Han kid. He could be end up being just fine. Honestly, Ewan McGregor didn’t nail Alec Guinness nearly as much as the prequel apologists would have you believe.
awwww, poor, oppressed conservative snowflakes. Did the lady who is going to spend all of eternity in hell because she doesn’t agree with you hurt your fee-fees?
i was driving my daughter to school this morning, listening to “my” music in the car (you know how 13 y/o girls love that) and her ears perked right up when Many Moons came on.
This world needs so much more Janelle, and so much less Trump-humping, Kanye horseshit.
Back to the Future
we’re roughly the same age, and i’m surprised it took so long to see BTTF listed. That movie is pure joy.
for years i wanted to make one that said “Left Behind & feelin’ fine!” but i’m afraid no one would get it but me.
fucking christian trash.
“Okay, don’t mean to be rude.” - no, seriously, you’re fine. :)