Sorcia MacNasty

Brave words from a misogynist who enjoys calling women "dirty bitches" and "cunts." We don't hope you die in a fire. Your own life is clearly a hell of its very own.


I just read this aloud and it silenced an entire room full of people. I'm so glad he's no longer in your life.

We must be cousins, because this was totally my grandma, too.


Oh, I like you.

Please tell me you're hiring Dave Hogan as a guest writer.

I've made them as chicken tenders and you can also slather mayo on potato wedges then dredge THOSE in Dorito chips and bake them. Also pretty much magic.

I, uh... I've made these.

You were asking for it, Ari. You probably had a super slappable expression on your face. What were you doing, just walking around with a slappable face, huh?!

That gif is going to be so triggering for people* sensitive to misandry.


Wonderful piece — about time we started looking at the more egregious abuses in "health" and "science" writing. ((shudder))

Oh, I wish. Also, I love your avatar. I have rat terriers and fully support all dog pics on the interwebs.

Do you think "Dumbflipps" is a new flavor of Flipz? That what I really came here to ask. ;)

While Nathaniel certainly seems unhinged (Burger King, I mean, c'mon, son), the first part of his first review contains seemingly legitimate concerns — the cook is high on meth? That would PROBABLY worry me. The kitchen is dirty? I mean, that is the kind of shit that would skeeve most people out. And $16 also seems

Mr. MacNasty's Boss from Actual Hell. TW: Guns, Hitler, Fat-shaming and Whore Pills.

It comes from a place of love. I'm genuinely worried about the guy.

Uber, are you just smashing all these fruits into your mouth? I'm sort of worried about how many of them are juicing up your face. Maybe, you know, slice or eat with a fork? I'm picturing you in a high chair, just slamming fist-fulls of juicy fruits into your gob.