
Barron is ten and he’s a public figure now — I really doubt he has a personal Facebook page.

I give him six months, tops. Either he’s going to find his soul and quit, or Trump is going to blame him for the press’s increasing incredulity and fire him.

Hillary is going to be 73 in 2020. For that matter, Elizabeth Warren is going to be 71 (I think), and Bernie is going to be 78! We need a younger field.

“On my honor, I will try, to serve God, my country, and mankind, and to live by the Girl! Scout! Law!”

At least that’s what it was 35 years ago, it might have changed in the interim.

The Senate can technically refuse to confirm. However, these appointments can’t be filibustered, so at least three Republicans will have to join the Democrats to prevent an appointment. It is unlikely in most cases. Tillerson (at State) is looking iffy, and the allegations that came out against Price (HHS) and Puzdar

You know, we had a great Motown cover band at my son’s bar mitzvah. But I doubt Trump could get them.

The Handmaiden has been in theaters, because my in-laws saw it a few weeks ago. I haven’t seen it around here (Michigan suburbs), though.

Lea Michele is on Scream Queens with Billie Lourd.

The thing about using 2016 as a marker, though, is that it has a finite end and leaves room for hope that 2017 will be better.

I think there was supposed to be a film based on Surrender the Pink but it never got off the ground.

My big problems with the HIMYM finale — and up until the finale, I loved the show — were that (a) it wasn't funny (even the episode with Marshall's father's funeral managed to be funny) and (b) the five people we'd been watching for nine years all seemed to be pretty miserable for most of the episode. I could have

I agree. It’s not like we’re hurting for reasons to criticize her. I could spend all day just talking about the veiled threat to prosecute Hillary Clinton if she continued to participate in the Wisconsin vote audit.

TBH, I feel like the money that Jill Stein is raising would have been better spent on Foster Campbell’s campaign.

He stayed for the show. He tried to duck out during the curtain call. (But to be fair, when the cast asked him to wait he did stop and listen to their statement.)

I trust that all the conservatives who complained about the expense and inconvenience every time the Obamas visited Hawaii will be up in arms.

He tweeted about the settlement, too, though. I honestly think he's just remarkably thin-skinned and has poor impulse control. Just the kind of guy you want to put in charge of the nuclear codes.

Even if Britain ditched the monarchy, they would want to take care of Buckingham Palace. Whatever they put into it they will get back in the form of tourism dollars.

Even if they did abolish the monarchy, they would probably want to keep up Buckingham Palace. It brings in tons of tourism dollars.

I would have immediately handed it to Taylor, Since he is (a) not smart and (b) apparently desperately hungry, he would have used it and put an even bigger target on this back.

This is my hope. I don’t agree with them on, really, anything, but I at least have faith that people like John McCain and Orrin Hatch don’t want to see the nation and the world destroyed.

At this point I can’t say I have the same faith in Trump or any of his people.