
Is Tom really being generous, though, or just testing Logan and Shiv to see whether they’re willing to throw him under the bus?

I was using home ovulation kits in 1998, which I think is the year of this flashback? I think it was most likely a prop mistake, though.

Judy King.

I’ve never understood why they killed Eden -- as far as I remember they had no reason to suspect she wouldn’t be fertile, so you’d think they would have made her a handmaid before executing her.

It won’t happen automatically -- he has to be created Prince of Wales. I don’t think Charles got the title until he was 21 or so. But I imagine that since William is an adult he will get the title pretty quickly.

There’s probably a grain of truth to it — like there was a tiara that the Queen was reserving for Kate as the future Princess of Wales, or something like that — and the tabloids (or their source) are making it out to be much bigger than it is, and projecting their dislike of Meghan onto the Queen.

Will he tweet about this first, or about the golf-cheating article?

I also grew up in a small town in Arkansas! My sister was basically a female Paul Schnorrenberg, except Southern Baptist.

Eh, I think Aleida at least gives her a run for the title of worst non-Nazi at Litchfield.

I am still holding out hope that the Coates/Pennsatucky story is headed somewhere but so far it is really troubling.

I do think it is much more common in the South. I am from Arkansas, and both my sister and I call our father “Daddy.” And my mother does the same with her father, and thinking about it I can’t think of anyone in my family who uses “Dad” instead.

On the other hand, my daughter, who grew up in Michigan, hasn’t called my

That’s a fake account. You can tell because there’s no blue checkmark next to his name.

Now playing

My favorite will always be when Emily loses it after Richard’s mother dies:

Yeah, and also, I assume that Harry and Meghan’s media people are smart enough to know that him skipping the wedding and not walking his daughter down the aisle will turn a three-day story into a ten-day story. And besides that they’d probably rather have him in London where they can keep him from talking to TMZ.

How I Met Your Mother would like a word.

I had some truly amazing fried duck tongue at Girl & the Goat a couple of years ago.

The school is 40% Jewish. I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that was part of the motivation.

On the other hand, I agree with you about the Vegas shooter.

I cannot stand Jack and I also have a whole theory about how Jack’s controlling nature is the root cause of Kate’s unhealthy relationship with Toby.

I could be wrong about this, but I think that a plea deal precludes appeal. And I don’t think a judge has to show impartiality after someone has pleaded guilty.

The Plummer nod is just so ludicrous to me. Granted, I have not seen the movie, so maybe he’s brilliant in it, but right now it feels to me like a reward for bailing out Ridley Scott’s movie.