
This seems thoroughly unnecessary.

It sure seems like a lot of people enjoy taking time out to comment how they no longer watch this show.

Sterling K. Brown is like the Meryl Streep of this show - he makes even the cheesier parts significantly better.

Honestly Miguel is the best dude on this show.

I actually really like it. And she looks happy in it, so I don't see any reason to drag her for it. I'm not interested in policing what plus-size should or shouldn't wear.

I have said for years that while the Supreme Court is very important in the short term, I think its necessity to protect progressive values will be less important in the longer term (another 2-4 years) and forever after that. The population and voters are becoming more liberal/progressive, and this will reflect itself

I think it should actually matter that these girls were teenagers when they went along with this. Most minors would go along with a lie that parents pushed as beneficial and ‘not hurting anybody', especially if they didn't understand that the lie was actually illegal. 

No argument with any of that. However, Anthony advocated for full citizenship rights for black people. That doesn’t make her not racist, but it does make the headline untrue. Acknowledging nuance is not a failure of anti-racism. Printing lies is a failure of journalism, even the withered version of it this site

Look—If we are for prison reform, then we don’t need her in jail. That is a waste of public resources just so you can feel some sort of justice.

It should be pointed out that the establishment didn’t choose McGrath because they thought she might beat McConnell, but rather because she was able to raise a lot of money and would force the RNC to spend some resources in Kentucky in order to ensure McConnell’s seat. From that perspective, Booker presents an

Right?! Somehow in two minutes she goes from “people are always offering to pay for my meals” to “I don’t hear thank you enough.”

Love that she snuck in there that she did the mobile order so other people wouldn’t “pay for her stuff.” You know you’re in a trod-upon profession when people are always offering to pay for your shit. 

I don’t think she voted for Trump at all, and it dangerous to automatically equate racism with political affiliation. I also think that she honestly, truly believes she isn’t racist. She is of course - but I’m sure she’s the typical example of a white person who votes for the right people, “has black friends” yet

Nah, she’s a Wall Street liberal in NYC. No one’s giving her a dime.

Sorry, but getting government involved in that is even worse. Detestable as the Orange Howler Monkey’s tweets are, government being able to determine what is “acceptable” speech is swatting the fly with the bazooka. To comply, the writers/admins here will have to review every comment here and make judgement calls on

This is more likely than hackers I think

Germaphobes also wouldn’t be so reluctant to use protection like masks or social distancing during an outbreak. I think his behavior during this whole pandemic kinda eliminates any ‘germaphobe’ claims he makes from here on out.

I think she liked Trip, but it’s still a dick move to hook up with the brother of the guy who likes you/the girl your brother likes, especially the way they were sneaky. I think he had some legitimate reason to be upset

Kevin seems to be making a habit of dating/having sex with Kate’s best friends and then they stop being Kate’s best friend, turn into Kevin’s girlfriend, Kevin screws things up, and the friend goes away.

I disagree. This episode was slow because a great deal of it was about a set of characters, the men of the Watch, who are unattractive, who shortly will disappear from our lives forever and good riddance, and whose insertion in the story serves to stop us in our tracks. I have read the books too, and rather loved the