
Yeah, I actually think she can be a good foil for other characters and I like her in small doses (whereas I would be happy for Alex and Stella to just leave the show). But I don't want her at the center of any storylines for a while.

Well — she also got Alex sent back to prison, and I thought what she did to Flaca was pretty bad.

Given all the people whose flashbacks we haven't seen, I would be so mad if I were subjected to more Piper backstory. And I don't even hate her the way some people do — I'm just sick of her.

No worries — I only called her Ruiz because I couldn't remember her first name.

Oh, yeah, Flores, and also the Jewish woman who is helping Black Cindy.

Ruiz? Do you mean Almeida and Daya? Ruiz is the woman who had a baby in season 1.

Let's see….if you're just considering inmates, there's also Ruiz and Frieda and Soso. And the Italian woman, and the woman who cries all the time (assuming you consider intermittent sobbing to be a speaking role).

That bugged me, too. She seems like the smartest and most capable of the bunch, to me.

Yeah, my reading of the scene was that Aleida destroyed the baby's one chance at a normal, stable childhood.

I didn't like the Bennett flashback, but I did think the Caputo one was pretty good. I still want to see Bell. (And haven't we seen most of the black women with speaking parts already? We've seen Taystee and Poussey and Janae and Black Cindy and Suzanne for sure. I wouldn't mind seeing more about them, but I'd rather

The flashback was really a wash — it humanized her a little, but on the other hand the fact that the little girl playing young Daya was so appealing made Aleida seem even worse.

She is just awful. I know I say this in every episode thread, but it bears repeating.

Yeah, that was the line of the review that made me feel five million years old.

Hmm, I really don't remember that at all — not saying she would give George access to the child and certainly not that that's the reason she wants to adopt the child.

I think so, too. And the other thing that makes him a great villain is that he thinks he's one of the good guys.

Oh, I hate Aleida more than I hate Healy. Not as much as I hate Coates, but still. She is just awful.

Exactly. I know we have the bare bones, but I want more details about her past.

My flashback wishlist: Yoga Jones, Soso, Bell, Ruiz, Angie, Maritza. And I'm sure there are others I'm just not thinking of.

Maybe so. It felt a little Mary-Sue-ish to me, but like I said, I don't really like Alex anyway so maybe I'm just being too hard on her.

I felt like it was a little out of character for Alex, actually. (Maybe I'm just saying that because I usually don't like her.) When she was talking about how little money women like Flaca have, it seemed like she was speaking more for the audience than for herself.