
Yeah, I was not a fan either.

That's a good point, although in this particular case I had the impression that red velvet was just a pet peeve of O'Neill's. Not that this was what all of his day-to-day interactions were like.

The greatest thing is when your kids get old enough to read the same books you do and you can swap them back and forth and talk about them together.

I've also finished and I think this season was my favorite. I looked at it as thirteen linked short stories, whereas last season was more of a novel.

What specifically about The Secret History did you like? Setting, character relationships, plot?

I didn't read nearly as much in May as I usually do, due to various personal issues. I've been this strange sense of underlying stress for the last few weeks and I just realized it was because not reading as much as usual makes me feel like I'm falling behind. On what, exactly, I'm not sure.

Yeah, their anger at Caputo might be a little misplaced (although they don't really know that), but I can't blame them for being upset. Their hours have been cut in half and their income by more than that when you figure in the cost of healthcare. Suddenly going from having what seemed like a steady, secure job to

It is a chocolate batter, but with about 1/4 to 1/2 of the usual amount of chocolate you would use. And then tons of red food coloring. I don't get it, but my son loves it.

I have a recipe somewhere for a carrot bundt cake with this amazing lemon cream cheese icing. I hardly ever make it, but now I'm craving it.

I wouldn't say I had a positive reading, but I didn't see it as wholly negative either. More bittersweet than anything.

I hated her last season, but I am reluctantly warming up to her this season.

And maybe someone besides Piper and Soso to suffer severe culture shock. And if she does have a Paula-Deen-ish background, that could make her interactions with the non-white inmates very interesting to watch.

I love that he saved the grenade mug for Daya. What a consolation that must be to her as she ponders the future of her fatherless child.

I really liked the little scene between Red and Piper.

That was my thought, too. It doesn't seem to be getting her into trouble, so maybe just let her have this.

I want a Bell flashback so badly. And she and O'Neill are so cute.

This is exactly my husband and his parents, and it drives. me. nuts. A couple of months ago I was out of town and he called me to ask what he should have for dinner. Seriously?

He certainly seems to have an issue with the new counselor, but I don't know how much of that is because of her race.

Yeah, I get that — I nearly died of secondary embarrassment when he greeted Alex Vause with "you dumb bitch" (or whatever it was) during the improv scene.

Yeah, but I think that was more out of a love of stirring the pot than out of support for Piper. Something about the sister-in-law makes me think she loves telling people her husband's sister is in prison.