
I kind of like the Red/Healy thing — not that I want them to pair up, but I like their interactions. I think it makes sense for Red; she doesn't have a lot in her life to give it meaning, and she feels betrayed by her husband and sons. In real life she might not give Healy a second thought, but in prison a silly crush

I agree. It reverses the usual pattern of humanizing an unsympathetic character; instead it takes one of the most popular characters and makes her less sympathetic.

Aleida is basically awful, too.

OK, maybe not all the Jonathans. But most of them.

OK, the green screen in the book funeral scene may have been terrible, but everything else about it was golden. Also, Poussey and Taystee have good taste in books. I, too, would be mourning the loss of Great Expectations and "the Jonathans."

I guess that might work in theory, but I just don't think anyone involved is bright enough to pull that off.

How would that fix anything, though? He still couldn't reveal that he was the baby's father; if anyone found out about their relationship he would still go to prison. So he couldn't take the baby without raising suspicions.

I don't think Prepon is a terrible actress, I just think she has a narrow range; her above-it-all hipster schtick worked better on, say, How I Met Your Mother than it does here. To me, anyway.

I'm on episode 10 now, and after a rough start, I also think it's the best season. Or at least my favorite season.

Well, Daya is also the worst. Remember last season, with the "if you really loved me you would go to prison for me" scenes? There's a great plan for their kid — both parents should be in prison.

I like Piper as a foil for other characters. I don't even mind a few scattered scenes with her family. I do not care about her love life, though, with Alex or with anyone else.

I like Nicky with poor, crazy Morello.

This is what I think, too. I do think she’s best in small doses, though, and I could not care less about her love life. I’m nervous that all the reviews I’ve read of the new season talk about Piper and Alex.

Today was my kids’ last day of school. Tomorrow I could sleep in if I wanted. Instead, I am getting up at 4:00 a.m. to watch a few episodes before I have to start working.

I don’t know, I don’t hate Piper in smaller doses, especially if it means more Nicky and Red and Morello.

I think mine is in a drawer upstairs. Actually, I take that back — that’s my college diploma. I have no idea where my high school diploma is. Maybe my mom knows?

Ah, well, if that's the case I withdraw my comment. That wasn't my understanding.

In fairness, though, wasn't Lena Dunham seven at the time? There's a big difference, to my mind, between a seven-year-old and a fourteen-year-old.

A lot of media outlets have a policy of not naming the victims of molestation. I don't think they're trying to protect Josh Duggar.

Oy. The author must have a very bleak view of humanity.