Guess we know who didn’t watch the full video...
Guess we know who didn’t watch the full video...
So you vaccinated, eh?
I can’t help but wonder how much better off we all would be if Stephen Miller had ever had a girlfriend. (Or boyfriend. Whatever.)
I reject the premise of Dear Leader’s junk being even remotely normal. (Granted, I reject the premise of his junk in a general sense.)
Being a day late, I’m sure this point has already been made, but Koepka exploded a woman’s eye. That’s not boring. (Even if she probably got hit because she was asleep due to his boringness.)
That has been my general impression while watching the hearings. Mitchell’s tone has been courteous and sympathetic, and hasn’t come across as harsh against Dr. Ford. Granted, part of that may be because of just how genuinely powerful Dr. Ford’s testimony has been.
It took me entirely too long to put together why the phrasing was off.... Take your star, you magnificent bastard.
Completely acceptable. I'm a Sox fan who can't help but find the current iteration of the Yankees to be extremely likable. It's an odd position to find oneself in, but it's 2018. Nothing makes sense anymore.
Back in 2006, I moved from the DC area to the Bay Area in California for a job. But, because I’m incapable of planning or operating as a normal, human adult, I agreed to be in California for a physical roughly four days after I was leaving DC. Soooo... I wound up driving (solo) from DC to California in three days and…
I prefer my rasices in the form of crispy treats. But not too much marshmallow. That’s just gross.
Dammit. I’ve never owned a dog, and yet now I’m a puddle. You magnificent bastard.
“From: Destiny B.
Any takers on whether Don Jr.’s blog post is ghost-written?
Imagine my surprise to realize that I am, in fact, basically an Albert Burneko (aside from the swamp foot thing... that sounds like a bummer). Even use the same American Crew fiber.
Well, it’s official. I’m old and humorless, because my initial reaction was “That photo isn’t a selfie.”
There's zero chance he gets impeached. (Well, okay, he might get impeached, but not removed.) I don't even want to guess at his chances at reelection. It's just too depressing to contemplate.
Ahhh... the old “would/wouldn’t” defense. Well, it’s 2018. Why the hell not take a shot?
Or we could call the obvious joke a joke...