
My eye caught Quicksilver and I’m reasonably certain it was Evan Peters.

Bar napkins work just fine as a coaster and not the fancy ones with the ridges. Just sprinkle some salt on the napkin and your beer won’t stick to it.

If you can provide a direct link to the Jethro Tull Metal Grammy with the rise of Limp Bizkit, JNCO raver pants, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Oxygen bars and chain wallet popularity, your thesis will be correct.

I see what you did there

Bravo to you for that last sentence sir. I think I like it even better since you didn’t capitalize the key words.

Question for even olders: Currently late 20's, why do the 80's seem like the last “classic” decade? It seems like every era preceding it had it’s own ridiculous style, and then the 90's happened and we really don't seem to have changed much since then. Is this how it really played out or am I just old enough now that

They shall have it all...

Brent S.: my wife got interested in comics last year, over a decade after I stopped collecting, so trust me when I say, forget an agenda and just give your wife whatever comics she wants. If she gets into other comics, great. Suggest if she asks but don’t try to steer her. However, if you keep your collection bagged

Here you go.

Nobody missed the point, because you haven’t presented any salient points other than a general nihilism about Hollywood and how movies get made.

Were it not for the closing statements about Deadpool, this would be a pretty solid piece, but with them it comes across as poorly researched. The comments about Deadpool betray the your distinct lack of knowledge of the film’s developmental history.

Don’t forget his long relationship with Alanis Morissette

Yes, and appreciate Reynold’s enthusiasm for the character.

For the majority of us who have been anticipating this film forever, we do not root for Ryan Reynolds, per se. We root for Deadpool, and accept Reynolds as a great choice for the character we know. And the movie looks VERY good, from a fan perspective.

Irony - After numerous movies where the only thing appealing about them was his charm and attractiveness, Deadpool will likely be successful and it has nothing to do with how Ryan Reynolds looks.

You forget...people aren’t going to this film to see Ryan Reynolds. They’re going because GODDAMN DEADPOOL MOVIE. And they’re hoping it makes up for how Deadpool was mishandled in the 2009 Wolverine flick.

I half expected to see a Rocksteady’s Arkham GUI overlay on those opening Batman scenes. :D

Yeah, you know that someone didn’t read through the article

Now playing

Just last week I remembered Our Lady Peace. Remember those guys? Probably been a decade since I’d listened to them.