Sonic Yogurt

Did they ever add a way to get the Bouncer after launch? That pre-order bonus was surreally amazing and, when maxed out, laughably overpowered.  Literally!  I couldn’t help but cackle at all the chaos.

For me, it was the one-two punch of Original Sin and the onslaught of Guardians of the Galaxy spin-offs. I was sick of books I liked being interrupted by terrible crossovers, and it just felt like my fandom was being stripmined.

This is the song that got me hooked on Scandal a few years back. Even with as much as I’ve loved so much of what they’ve put out since — their latest, Kiss from the Darkness”, is in the running as my favorite album of 2020 -- Platform Syndrome will never be unseated.

I was really excited about replaying Sunset Overdrive a few years back only to discover that it doesn’t really allow for that. If you want to go through the campaign again from the start, you either have to delete your save or sign in under a different profile. No alternate save slots; no New Game+.

I’m definitely not arguing that preordering a $70 game I know very little about is a logical or financially sound decision. It’s not something I would ordinarily do.

Why are you spending $70 on a game you freely admit you know almost nothing about, particularly if it’s a price tag that makes you wince?

I’ll admit that I preordered it. Actually, Destruction AllStars is the only launch title I preordered other than Miles Morales. I winced a bit at the $70 price tag, but my wife’s addicted to Forza Horizon and Overwatch, and this seemed like it could be a pretty fun fusion of the two for her.

Remember that time when Batman was the God of Knowledge and asked a chair for the Joker’s real name?

I haven’t tried ‘em myself -- don’t want to taint the memory of my favorite lunch staple! -- but supposedly the revived Cheez Balls are a pale imitation of what Planters used to have on the market.  The real things might be as good as you remembered!

Disturbia is a solid example. It’s as close to a straight-up remake of Rear Window as it gets, and it doesn’t acknowledge Hitchcock’s film (or Cornell Woolrich’s original story) in any capacity.

It’s saying that either way, you’ve gotta buy Miles Morales to play Spider-Man Remastered.

I went into the first season of Titans bracing myself for the worst. I thought it started off shockingly okay, but that mild glow fades pretty quickly. Ends on an underwhelming, unintended cliffhanger as they shuffled the season finale to the start of the following season.  The Doom Patrol ep is the only real highlight

When Christmas ‘89 rolled around, I’d been an NES owner for a full year, and Marvel Comics was the center of my life and existence. So it made sense to me at the time that I’d ask my parents to get me the brand-new X-Men game as a Christmas gift.

The six button Genesis controller was amazing, and I’d still probably rank it among my all-time favorites. But yeah, that wasn’t the default.

They’re also not dropping Ultra HD Blu-ray. Recent theatrical releases are still on the table, as are animated catalog titles.

Astral Chain, at long last!

I’m hardwired to avoid having a backlog and to finish every game I start, yet for whatever reason, I’ve been sitting on Astral Chain for right at a full year. And I’m a huge Platinum fan too!

It’s frustrating for me because I was excited about playing The Avengers online with friends and family, all of whom are invested in the Xbox ecosystem. I could still play as Spider-Man on my PS4 / PS5, but especially since cross-play reportedly isn’t on the table, I’m being forced to choose between Spidey and my

Marvel (Disney) had to pay Sony to put Spider-Man in Marvel Ultimate Alliance, for example.”


There’s only thing I really miss about E3 this year: that if the conference had been able to go on as scheduled, we’d almost certainly have known the prices, release dates, and launch lineups for the PS5 and Xbox Series X back in June. And we still don’t know any of that, nor is there any indication when we will.

For what it’s worth: even though I was enormously disappointed by Far Cry 5, New Dawn wound up being shockingly fun. More focused, more visually interesting landscape, superpowers (!), no forced kidnapping/battle sequences...