Sonic Tremors

Forgot to add: I named my children, Nick and Nora, after one of my favorite films—The Thin Man. I have an unnatural infatuation with Myrna Loy. How's that for loving Film Noire? :) I feel bad that you may have felt I was abrasive. I really was not trying to be. Friends?

We can't have a cat article without one of these, so, let me post the first cat gif:

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Doesn't this count as one long chase scene?

Responsible and ethical journalism does not pay its sources, ever. Hard rule.

You seem to have forgotten a major player

There was some mention of the 50's — if so, Linda Hamilton and Michael Beihn could play Sarah Connor's PARENTS, which would go a long way toward being the mother of all daddy issues vis a vis Sarah's one-night stand with Kyle Reese.

Being in the prison didn't bother me as much this season as being in the farmhouse last season, possibly because season 2 seemed more dialogue-heavy rather than action driven. And when the dialogue seems a redundant mix of philosophical panderings from characters that develop little depth, it gets old. Fast. Plus some

I'm fine with more time in the prison if Rick's group actually *does* something with it besides just crash there.

I've always found The Dark Knight Returns overrated.

I didn't even notice. Good spot!

Actually this would worry me more, as it means there is more potential damage from the ice sheet melting.

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A computer composite of 180-some serial killers who comes to life... Virtuosity anybody?

i would like to add my voice to this question. i really like io9. i like your articles and i love the comments. since most of mine aren't ever approved i started reading only the unapproved comments. granted there are a lot of comments i can see are best not approved but it seems to me that many times the absolute

This book. Scared the bejeebus out of me like Stephen King never could.

I love how we judge time travel movies by some standard, as if it was a real thing and this movie or any time travel movie is deviating from set rules. (Not picking on you, I do the same.) As the entire concept is conceptual, shouldn't any version or iteration of time travel be valid?

The 'cure' came about a little too easily but it's still one of the best vampire movies I've ever seen. Lance Henriksen and Bill Paxton were terrifying.

The City of Darkness (Kowloon Walled City) was an economic powerhouse back in its day: an absolutely free market with zero regulation. It was every libertarian's wet dream. That it was run entirely by the Triads and produced incredibly inferior goods would no doubt be irrelevant to them.