Sonic Tremors

Gonna pull out the nerd science here:

The six-story apartment complex collapsed in nineteen seconds. 71 people lived in the building, and only four of them has been survived.

You know, I understand that English may not be the first language of the author, and that's totally fine. The article is still a pretty good read with some good pictures. But you'd think that someone at the office would read through it first and do some basic proofreading for grammar. It doesn't reflect poorly on

Seriously: How can there be any debate:

You'd have to change the million to billion or trillion...

I hate these videos so much. The "sins" are either minor inconsistencies or logical gaps necessary for the progression of the story. I bet these guys were like, "why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?" effectively missing the point of stories in their entirety.

And most of the dings aren't even "sins." They're just lame jokes. There's no thoughtful criticism or deconstruction – just this dingus nitpicking a 20-year-old movie to death. Who cares if the kid probably couldn't see the monitor?

It's a science FICTION movie, form 20 years ago. Tryin to make sence of the sience is about as valid as analysing the socio-political cluster f*ck Star Wars is. And I do mean the original trilogy too. Technically Luke is an anarchist and a terrorist. And Anakin - it turns out the jedi order was just hot air. It took

Please stop posting these. They do nothing but focus on minor continuity errors that do nothing to detract from the quality of a film. They aren't sins; they're the reality of moviemaking.

I am tickled by the irony of this post in conjunction with your screen name.

Er. It's not like any of the rovers on Mars are completely autonomous. Humans on Earth can still change the parameters of the mission and direct the rovers toward different tasks and destinations.

And we agree on that.

It doesn't... Mwahahahahah!!!

at least in australia, just because its abandoned does not mean it has been disconnected from the mains supply. probably more costly to disconnect it than go round and see whats up if a supposedly unused meter suddenly starts up again.

Maybe the light is the malevolent force rather than the darkness.

You couldn't be more wrong about Fringe. Seasons two and three are what killed Fringe. I watched religiously through season one, and the moment they took the characters I had grown to know and love and then duplicated them in an alternate universe, they ruined the show. Every character became expendable, and the

Special credit if you remember the second disastrous season of "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century". Remember the robot with Mel Blanc's voice? Even Erin Gray as Wilma Deering in the skin-tight body suit couldn't save it.

This is at least the third thing I've read saying that Fringe got really good in the 2nd or 3rd season. I don't get how anyone managed to make it that far to find out. I watched the first two episodes and simply couldn't get past the stock character tropes and the completely borrowed fundamental premise. It was

How do we know it's a futuristic dystopia? There are Chinese lanterns. There are always Chinese lanterns.

Translation = "Eat at Joes"