Sonic Tremors

The entire Star Trek Universe. Roddenberry's vision of the future is my greatest hope.

I do have kids and I can totally remember the difference that came over me after I had them — movies I could once watch were now too heartwrenching for me. I remember having a hard time watching "Ransom" with Mel Gibson for that reason.

I think that's because he has terrible habits as a writer. He has stated before that he never uses an outline, and he frequently "writes himself into a corner" and likes figuring out how to get out of it. Sometimes it works to spectacular effect, but many other times, it doesn't.

The Mist was great, and I love that Darabont came up with the twist ending that was so good, Stephen King said he wished he'd thought of it when he wrote the book.

I, for one, bow down to our future robot overlords.

It has not been disproved in the slightest. People have speculated that it's an old time hearing aid. That is not proof. It's a guess.

  • Bitch tried to break up two of my co-workers who were in a relationship (they are still together).

It wasn't proven to be anything. People have speculated that it's an old time hearing aid, but nobody knows for sure.


Warning: This show is really a soap opera about babies, love, and relationships masquerading as science fiction.

Nothing like pandering for shares and virality by sharing an anti-technology rant on a science and technology-focused website. Patton Oswalt is a dick, and I could have done without seeing this.

Stephen King tells a fascinating story in "On Writing" about where he got the idea for the Carrie novel — the character was based on a girl he knew in school.


I was about ten years too young to be on the Sunset Strip with the insanely hot women in the 80s. How I yearn for that time.

I should have put a smiley in there.

I disagree strongly. There's nothing heroic about sending robots to other worlds in place of humans (and it's not even cheaper like most people believe).

And just think, someday our kids will be looking at photos of this generation's space heroes...

Since I'm quitting smoking and easily annoyed, I found your comment abrasive. A guy who's never bought a single BluRay aside from the Blade Runner box set shouldn't be critiquing movies or trailers.

Now playing

I was riveted to my couch while this was happening. (This clip should start at 6:57)

Agreed. I can't believe all the people falling all over themselves to agree with someone who can be so easily disproved. It's almost like the Tea Party.