Sonic Tremors

I loved that ending - as someone said, it was the perfect ending for the movie, while the novella ending was the perfect finale for that media.

Absolutely agree. Tough to watch, but brilliant ending.

What I liked about The Mist was that you had a sense there was a whole other movie playing out in the mountain where the military apparently released the monsters. Like there was a summer blockbuster going on there but instead of making a movie out of it, they made a movie about the people stuck in a supermarket who

Great ending... unless you have kids. Then it messes you up pretty bad. Still tough to watch to this day.

Movie ending was so much better than the book. I felt wretched after watching that movie, that ending. Ugh...

That ending was so fucked up. I mean it was a great ending, but goddamn. Definitely better than the ending in the book.

You forgot Revolution.

Jericho was an awesome concept, too bad CBS thinks everyone who can turn on a TV has reached their maximum intelligence capacity by doing that act.

Why is the Falling Skies picture so small - this is the worst offender! lol

The warning for heroes really should be - Warning: Do not proceed past season one. I Repeat, DO NOT PROCEED PAST SEASON ONE.

Jericho is awesome.

His description of the light going out in her eyes the next day or week or whatever was so heartbreaking; King is so good at that kind of observation...

Preach it brother.l

Warning: This show is really a soap opera about babies, love, and relationships masquerading as science fiction.

Falling Skies.

Lost: "Warning! Story mythology is intentionally left incomplete. Writers will remain unrepentant."

Yep; People are scum, school kids doubly so. The way the other people in my department verbally rip to shreds everyone in every other department just makes me want to slit my wrists on a daily basis. It is so hard to be nice?

i like the story he tells about how he didn't think it was good enough and was going to toss the script but his wife read it and said something to effect of, "this is really good, you're just missing one thing.... the girls are MEAN ENOUGH."

And don't shake her hand!