Sonic Tremors

Oh, great. Thank you for providing an excuse for climate change deniers to poo poo the concern over the melting Greenland ice sheet.

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A computer composite of 180-some serial killers who comes to life... Virtuosity anybody?

I'll never forget the victim falling on the floor in the emergency room... there was a sound like tearing a bed sheet... he had sloughed his gut.

Yes, the Sarah Connor Chronicles was an abomination start to finish.

Exactly. And I do not do the same thing. Time Travel (other than relativistic travel to the future) is an impossibility, and when you watch a time travel movie, you know that going in.

Is there somewhere I can find out how the comment system works and why about 80 percent of my comments never get approved and just remain in queue? Somewhere I can read it preferably, as versus watching a video?

That's the biggest thing to come ashore since Kirstie Allie's vacation last summer.

I loved the concept for this movie, but I always felt cheated that we didn't get to see some F-15s blowing Japanese Zeroes out of the sky.

Patrick Duffy knew this in the 70s

What? You mean big industry didn't self-police their emissions themselves, in the interest of the people over profits? It took an act of, gasp, GOVERNMENT to protect the populace?

More importantly, would it be as tasty as a frozen Snickers?

Right. And you said that in your original comment, and I agree. But that doesn't seem to be related to "size doesn't matter," which seems to be a general comment with no particular meaning.

Hope they're planning on handing out vomit bags at the ticket window, because this movie will make me as motion-sick as District 9 or Battle Los Angeles.

That doesn't mean size doesn't matter. MIRVs were simply a method of raining down a bunch of bombs on multiple targets from one launch. How that means a larger bomb doesn't matter is beyond me.

I disagree with the contention that Stentz and Miller are the perfect choice to helm the new Stark Trek movie because they've worked on one barely successful TV show and two awful, failed shows.

Yes, as everybody knows, Superman has no weaknesses... er, um...

I charge onstage and ruin other comics' acts because I'm self-conscious about my tiny, tiny junk.

How about Eugene?

Judging Stephen King's ability to do endings by any of the hack job movies and TV shows that have been made out of his work is an injustice.

I love it when people watch time travel movies but then quibble with paradoxes. I'm like "You're aware time travel is impossible right?" You'll watch a movie about time travel, and you don't complain about the idea that the whole movie is based on a scientifically impossible idea (aside from the idea of flying in