Sonic Tremors

That's why I never watched Lost regularly in the first place... it was all hype and they never explained anything.

Ooooo oooo. Love stories, beautiful teenagers, and sorcery. I'm soooooo excited for these movies and TV shows. :/

I do the same thing with girls.

They're gonna burn out the whole superhero movie genre in the next few years. Spiderman reboots happened too soon after the Tobey Maguire versions, we're now on our third generation of modern Superman movies, there have been two separate Hulk movies, X-Men has been rebooted already, and now they're gonna reboot

I agree. Ono broke up the Beatles.

Meh. Nothing for scale.

The problem as I see it today is too much influence on the part of execs, and too little will for taking risk. With as many outlets as we have for sci-fi today (compared to what we had in the 70s and 80s), we ought to be positively drowning in good, visionary, Blade Runner inspired science fiction. But we're not

You'd have to change the million to billion or trillion...

Sounds like something an Obama-hater would say.

I could be wrong but this story is sufficiently vague to make me wonder whether this actually happened, whether it's been exaggerated, or whether it's an outright hoax... I don't doubt some idiot would do this, but I wonder why there are so few details and/or photos? It reminds me of that story some time back about

My question is whether the cinema sins crew would have carnal knowledge of women by now if they didn't waste their entire lives dissecting every little continuity error of some of the highest grossing movies of all time.

I don't know if stylish is the word, but for visually stunning, Dark City:

Isn't it fascinating how ambitious plans like this were? Starting with the industrial revolution, nuclear power, and eventually space, there was an optimism about technology that lasted through the seventies that made people think anything was possible.

I could spend all day debunking the points you've made here, but my past experience tells me people who love robots can't be reasoned with when the superiority of humans is raised. Suffice to say, your statement "at this time we can't put humans on Mars," is false, and indicative of your deceptive stance on the

Breathing oil fumes makes people Tweet racist things.

Well, Mr' Dvorsky says, and I quote "Gale Crater probably never contained a lake, which would totally suck, because that’s one of the main reasons why NASA sent Curiosity there in the first place."

What does it matter what I do for a living? Is it or is it not true that different Mars missions have varying degrees of mobility? If you're a rocket scientist or something, as I suspect you're about to reveal, then you would know that. And if you aren't an egomaniac, you would be willing to admit it.

I'm not dismissing the utility of robot probes, I'm simply pointing out that robot probes are programmed to do what they do, and if something goes wrong, they become less than what they were intended and their resources are wasted. Humans are FAR less prone to the same difficulties due to their ability to adapt and

Yes, I read the article. The human who made the mistake is ON EARTH, where he or she can't do anything about it. And the robot with the intelligence of my laptop is on Mars, WASTING millions of taxpayer dollars which were intended to study a former lake bed. At least a human on the surface would be able to

That's a terribly uninformed characterization. Depending on the style of mission, mobility on the surface of Mars varies. Some missions are land-and-sit type missions, others incorporate pressurized rovers capable of traveling considerable distance. A permanent human colony would be equipped with some kind of