Sonic Tremors

And one human colony would be able to do the job of every robotic mission we've sent so far, adapt on the fly, extend it's own life indefinitely, and return science discoveries that dwarf what we've learned so far from robots. The unmanned bias is getting old.

I think I see my house!

Just one more of a multitude of reasons to send HUMANS instead of robots. Because when you discover you've MASSIVELY f&%$ed up, a human can adapt and improvise.

I'm not sure why an abandoned building would still have electricity, but a great short nonetheless.

Max Brooks called the book World War Z. Does he deserve the same criticism you've implied here for not using the word "Zombie" in the title?

I think you're intentionally misconstruing what he said so you can pick a fight. The key word is "indistinguishable." We've had thousands of UFO reports over the years where the eyewitness says the object just "disappeared" or "winked out." Even though it might be due to an unimaginably advanced technology, to us,

Well, maybe they're not "zombies" and maybe they're not "undead." The infected in the 28 movies weren't undead, and I'm not sure they were zombies depending on your definition... they were just humans that got infected by the rage virus.

Coming this July to a theater near you.

How many stars in this one spot, and how far are they from each other?

My mind boggles at things like this. We call it a "cluster" but the truth is, each of the stars in the cluster are still light years from each other, there are just more of them in a "tight" arrangement than in our part of the galaxy. There is still so much to learn...

You couldn't be more wrong about Fringe. Seasons two and three are what killed Fringe. I watched religiously through season one, and the moment they took the characters I had grown to know and love and then duplicated them in an alternate universe, they ruined the show. Every character became expendable, and the

Sounds great, as long as they don't turn it into some kind of weekly nighttime soap opera with a science fiction setting.

Anybody who wants to understand the impact of ocean currents and climate change should just come hang out at my place where we just had the hottest driest summer on record last year, and yesterday, we had the largest single day snowfall EVER. Oh, and it's April.

Improve on the original? No Dee Wallace, no Ford Pinto, end it like the book, and don't cut out the adult stuff that was in the book... but with the studio attitudes these days, they will undoubtedly try to tame it down to PG13 for box office purposes.

Thrilling news.

No mention of "The Cell?"