my car smells like crayons

Not to undermine your point, but a man was also killed in this particular tragic scenario...

And in very, very few states that inspection occurs.

To be fair, prohibiting the import of late model cars isn’t so much about safety as it is about “protecting” the revenue streams of auto manufacturers. Mercedes doesn’t want to risk you importing a late model car for less than you have to pay for a USDM one.

Not only is Manning aware that he regularly hits the deck, but he also knows the officials won’t always end the play there. It’s a very specific “play to the whistle” counsel for his receivers.

I saw on Twitter someone posted (paraphrased), “saying ‘save the rainforests’ doesn’t automatically mean ‘fuck all other forests,’” which I appreciated as an analogy for all this “all lives matter” nonsense.

Exactly! The correct response - if you’re white - to “Black lives matter” is to say “Yes. Yes, they do” not “BUT WHAT ABOUT ME?!?”

I will never understand how people seem to think that someone saying "Black lives matter" somehow means "everyone else's life doesn’t" like what kind of mental gymnastics does someone go through to need to shout ALL LIVES MATTER in response?

I haven't seen a Norman sack that game-changing since Rome 1084.

Ladies and gentlemen, the current state of the American driver. I for one welcome our autonomous overlords.

“The best freelance sacks are made of burlap.”

The funny thing about annoying bandwaggoners is that, during a long stretch of good play, a lot of em accidentally become real fans. See: Steelers, Niners fanbases. Most of my friends in Seattle who are genuine seahawk fans jumped on the bandwagon in 04 a year before superbowl XL. By the time the hawks got bad again

It’s part of the code of the schoolyard, Marge! The rules that teach a boy how to be a man! Let’s see; don’t tattle, always make fun of those different from you, never say anything unless you’re sure everyone feel exactly the same way you do, coin flips have to actually flip.

It’s stuff like this that makes me skeptical about Aaron Rodgers as far as a human being. He’s an insanely gifted athlete, no doubt about that. But you’re complaining b/c you think you have a reliable strategy for winning a coin flip?

Man, what are the odds it's lands on heads that second time though?

Climate change is going to uptick handsomely from the burning of Seahawks jerseys by bandwaggoners.

Bruce Arians has balls of steel. After the questionable throws Palmer made in that game, having him do an off-hand shovel pass. Jesus.

The last 6 plays:

I am what I eat

Sure did. Bank is closed mutha fuckas. Fuck Green Bay

Guess they just ran out of cash