I’m sorry, I only trust Kickstarters.
I’m sorry, I only trust Kickstarters.
I would like this opportunity to announce that I will try to buy the Titans. Venmo me all your money so I can afford it.
Samer, I think you give this way more thought than the Titan ownership.
My guess is they’re keeping Mularkey for a couple of drafts, getting more talent, then bringing in a better coach to effectively use that talent. I don’t think any big names wanted to deal with their rebuild, even with the opportunity to coach Mariota.
Jesus fucking Christ. Just find new coaches. Quit recycling the same shitty people. Stupid risk averse league.
I don’t know about this. Ah Who Gives a Shit has had pretty limited success in Jacksonville.
Actually, the security guard never takes his hand off him so, again, no.
Thank you for your first day reading Deadspin then, we really appreciate it.
I’ve never seen a Deadspin post that consisted solely of an embedded tweet.
Matt Barnes is never stupid, but very often he is.
This is great, I wish I had written it.
Because Durant manages to continually come off as incredibly thin-skinned and reacts as though the lack of fawning attention is equal to scorching criticism. For him to be complaining about the media when LeBron, who’s been subjected to massively more media castigation - some of it reasonable, most of it not - manages…
Yes. It was an away game for Kyrie. Other than that...I’m not sure how your comment applies here.
Have to use /s for sarcasm if it’s not completely ludicrous.
Because a lot of people take the guilty plea while completely innocent because they either have no/overworked representation.
BS. This woman is guilty. Wouldn’t you say you just happened to pick up the necklace to get out of a life sentence?
Because Adnan was a white guy huh? Whatever the case is I'm glad people are seeing the justice system for what it is. A game in which prosecutors and police want to win more than finding who the real guilty person is.
When I saw that this series was starting at The Guardian, it reminded me of a BBC News piece I read recently about Robert Jones, a New Orleans man who was wrongfully convicted and served 23 years (of a life sentence) in prison for crimes that not only was he innocent of committing, but that someone else had already…