I don’t know what he was expecting.
I don’t know what he was expecting.
It is very hard to stop real corruption carried out by high ranking officials and super shady corporations. It is much easier to screw low ranking employees and pretend like the other stuff isn’t happening.
All of this.
If you have such a pride problem that you would get yourself and your crewmates killed along with likely starting a war, you definitely don’t belong in the military.
The best part about that sentiment is that the Iranians literally didn’t try anything. There wasn’t a ransom or any demands at all. Just a “hey, you guys seem lost. want a ride?”
A guy I know on Facebook was all up in arms about this situation, saying it happened because our President is weak, and if we have a strong President, the Iranians never would have tried anything. Standard hot take stuff, whatever. I thought the real gem was someone he knows:
Hahaha someone please fetch a clean pair of trousers for baby Russell
As a former grunt, I would love to kick down the door at two in the morning of those anchor’s house and see exactly how they handle being at gun point when they are at a clear disadvantage.
Humorless? Have you seen any of the White House correspondence dinners? The man missed a career as a stand up comedian.
Everyone seems to agree that these boats inadvertently drifted into Iranian waters.
Considering their bread is made from the material found in wrestling mats, the brand synergy seems appropriate.
This account has me rethinking my position on both wrestling and Subway.
He’s reportedly half-thrilled to get the chance to coach Colin Kaepernick.
Never 7orgot!
RIP Kaep
Pretty adorable in the classroom, but I bet it got awkward at recess when he was the last one picked for kickball.