my car smells like crayons

Drinking and fighting on a regular basis. That’s not healthy.

5’7” is not little, okay?! I CAN REACH THINGS.

Not my one, but.....three years ago I was rung up out the blue by a total stranger, ‘I am trying to offload a 1961 traveler and seems that it might have yours when new’ He was wrong, it was my mums first new car, the car in which I learned to drive, and the place within which I finally found out the whys and

If I could find my 1986 Nissan Pulsar NX, I would buy it back. I’m sure it was junked and it should have been. Hell if I could find any 1986 Nissan Pulsar NX with Factory alloys I would buy it.

I owned a 2003 Suburban with barn doors. While the car itself was falling apart all around, I absolutely loved the space it provided for hauling things like washing machines, driers, furniture etc. I wouldn’t go as far as getting it back from person I sold it to, but rather buy a new suburban and have some custom

The Volvo may revolutionize cars for the better. And it’s sexy as all get out.

The ATS-V and CTS-V, may they forever beat up on Ms, AMGs, and RSs.

Of cars I don’t own, I’d say the Volvo XC90, Ford GT, F-150, Mustang (especially GT500), Focus RS, Miata, CX-3, and McLaren P1, 675LT, and 570S.

If it comes as a diesel… Or in any two-door form!

My 9000, because it's finally back on the road

I’m most thankful for my car. It has issues, and the money is too tight to address them, but it starts every morning and keeps me rolling along while I search for a better job.

“Continuation” production is the best thing to happen to the car world in a long time.

I’m thankful that the Porsche bean-counters finally lost the battle and the engineers were allowed to create the GT4 Cayman.

Then I’ll be a slobberer.

Is it wrong to think the Fiat is just as good looking?

They make two vehicles, and they are just asking to become a new animated feature

Or Paul Walker driving you the the Black Friday Sales.

The Redskins wishing anyone a Happy Thanksgiving is like Jason Pierre Paul giving free piano lessons...

Step 1: Preheat Oven to 325 degrees