my car smells like crayons

They needed a bigger truck, they should have stolen the tailgates as well

My love for the niners wants Tomsula fired last week. My love for “Tomsula’s lifehack of the week” wants him employed and on the spotlight forever.

It’s okay Drew. You know who else doesn’t like Turkey? Russia.

Thanks, Captian obvious. But, at the end of the day, the 1/4 mi is the American litmus test. You want to hug curves go hang out with the import crowd. (I own two Hondas)

Meanwhile, Hellcat watches Ford and Chevy duke it out for 2nd place...

As a GM fanboy, I would choose the Mustang over the new gen Camaro any day.

Both the Times and AP named Erica Kinsman as the accuser, and here is AP’s explanation for doing so, which makes a lot of sense to me:

10. It cranks but won’t turn over

C’mon, Torch. You know what the internationally-recognized symbol for “sorry” is:

Unless you’ve got a big stinkin’ subie scoop, it really is just a big pocket of hot, stagnant air. What is forced into the engine bay had to come through the radiator first - which is hot, and quickly becomes stagnant because the pressure drop across a radiator is so large.

I don’t think the Syrian rebels of any faction signed onto that document.

It’s a violation of the Geneva Convention.

I’m glad the pilot is OK, but his interview is totally worthless. He could have landed 25 miles inside of Turkey and he’s still going to say, “No sir, we definitely didn’t fly over Turkey.”

but we’re not talking about you. We’re generalizing so we can dislike a certain group of people based on some internet based idea which may or may not be true...

I am a millennial, living in a large city and I have two cars. One is an E30 which needs work (differential and rod knock) - I’ll be doing the work, the other is an LS400. Millennials love cars, it’s just that they’re not buying cars because most of them are boring pieces of crap if we’re talking about new cars or a

Formula Drift is really losing its way. They’re not even putting turns on the courses any more. I am disappoint.

Or just go to the local office ask for a change of address packet get 10% off Lowe’s and best buy and you don’t have to change your address.

Or just go to the local office ask for a change of address packet get 10% off Lowe’s and best buy and you don’t have