my car smells like crayons

How reliable are these over 100,000 miles? I always wanted one, but now that I can easily afford one, they are pretty old and have high miles. Nothing much more scary than a high-mileage, out of warranty European luxury vehicle.

Starring this one because I can hear Sean Connery’s voice as I read it.

I will say this probably isn’t the all-around “best” choice, but amongst all the high end brands and li’l sports cars, I think this stands out on its own unique merits. It’s got a distinct look, is really comfortable, is unassuming, and this particular model is probably in the best mechanical shape out of anything

You, sir, truly loved your car. That’s a lot of work for that car.

Top heavy, too wide, high seat. Can’t handle very well (good for a adventure). the R1200GS.

How about one of the factory supercharged AW11s?…

Mid-engine plus linear boost wrapped in fantastic ‘80s angularity (don’t call it boxiness). Sure, it’s not a lot of power, but this one seems pretty clean and it’s currently less than half the budget.

I think you misspelled repairs

My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.

Dad when I was 15: “You could stand to lose a few...” I was around 135 then...and I’m 5’7”.

I starred this, but not because I approve of your mom’s behavior.


“You are the fattest person I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting.” -Mom

2005 XJR for $14,686.00

I feel like a used Jaaag could be the answer to most of these challenges. Here’s a rather nice one, red 2002 XKR, lovely beige/cream interior, plastered in wood and divorce papers. And, of course, a 4.2L Supercharged V8.

Why have a car when you can have a truck? 2000 SVT Lightning in this case.

They also apparently make you less allergic to things. So if you’re one of those people who has to view the world through tiny, itchy, watery slits where your eyes used to be every summer, there’s no better team than #teamhookworms.

There’s a Parasitic Worm in Bolivia That’s Making Women Have More Children

I love that car. People have an issue with how the rear looks, but I love all the lines that it has. I got to sit in one at a dealership when they were brand new and was blown away by the interior and options it can get.

Dear God, people truly don’t understand just how insignificant in the scope of everything the VWs are. There are umpteen millions of skid steers, tractors, air compressors, really anything larger than a car running on a Diesel engine (which also have longer life spans than cars) with no exhaust cleaning whatsoever.