Ndamukong Suh: The Wonder Years
Ndamukong Suh: The Wonder Years
C'mon Barry, don't throw in your little opinions. If Hernandez wanted the cameras dead, they'd be dead.
I have no problem with the touchdown celebration. The celebrations I think are silly are the ones where people have to dance around for "doing their jobs". For example,
I call bullshit on the NFL unless they penalize the Lambeau Leap as well. Why is that entirely non-spontaneous celebration always immune in these crackdowns? Also, the Packers should be penalized every time they play that horrible fucking Todd Rundgren song when they score.
The P.A. announcer should have introduced him by saying; "The 3rd baseman, hitting 4th and pleading the 5th, #13 Alex Rodriguez."
Jesus Christ, Michael. Keep your brother on a leash!
The reason Fred McGriff is not included is sad yet simple. Major League Kickball, despite its acronym, does not allow black players.
as a vikings fan, good riddance. we cleaned up.
I don't think I understood the instructions...
Thanks so much for having me! I needed directions to find it, but now that I'm here, I might stay awhile. Where is the restroom?
I don't mean to be glib, but does it seem unusual to anyone else that UF and the NFL are so quickly scrubbing Hernandez from the record before he's even been tried?
Stu: [ knocks on door ]
No offense, but Chris seems to be the prick here.
I agree with commenters here and the NFL, the league wants to avoid being a safe haven for super athletic thugs, if this puts additional pressure to get an education and be a positive force in society - so be it.
That's an exciting picture, to be sure, but it's not nearly as thrilling as the front page of tomorrow's Chicago Sun-Times:
Obama and Ortiz both have five letters in their last names! Do I need to remind everybody who had five fingers on each of his hands? HITLER.
Nice that the new logo at least had a subtle nod to Hernandez, with a Patriot bumping off a trio.