This coming from the same people who made guacamole their king. Down with the Tsar! Revolution!
This coming from the same people who made guacamole their king. Down with the Tsar! Revolution!
I don't see Good & Plenty. Does this make me an anarchist?
It's cool. Pete Carroll invited him.
We must get salsa through! It's the only thing that stands a chance at taking guacamole down!
Is guacamole forbidden on dickbag island? If so, I'd even vacation there with Justin Bieber.
I hate living in a world where guacamole is loved.
Found you?
Unbeknownst to everyone else, Rick and Marshall were playing a pretty poor game of Hide n Seek.
Also, what's with the photoshopping of Adam's leg in the bathtub?
Now what app do I need to download to be able to do this on my Instagram pics?
You're really trying to be a Mr. Brightside.
Also, names inspired by Alabama tradition:
Obe C.T. Steele
Too easy?
As a Vikings fan, is it fantanking if I openly root against them when they play the Bears and Lions because if the Vikes are out of the playoffs, I cruelly want the Packers out, too?
Or for you single fellas, use your God-given eye socket.
Minnesota nice.
"Let's Go Niners!"
I dunno. That's pretty difficult. It's not even iambic pentameter.
Are we gonna get the chance to practice it before the game?
"I love the commercialization of Christmas." - Sarah Palin
"Nnnnhh, peppermint roll!"
I imagine what he thinks he's saying is "Tomlin, son!"