Sonia Halbach

Man, with so many unwanted strangers popping up it's a wonder that Zimmerman didn't shoot one of them.

I'm starting to think if we just assume Hernandez is responsible for all the murders we are probably going to be right more often than not.


Well, this is definitely the more likable couple that Westbrook helped get a ring this June.

Gosling is not here cuz he's off the muhfuh charts.

I thought James Franco was fairly hated. I certainly dislike him.

Shit. You're on to us.

Id love to see the gif of all his flops at once

You might have expected Popovich to be more upset, but he was mentally prepared for this moment ever since David Stern told him about it on Sunday.

Mark Ruffalo needs a fucking haircut.

"I'm not blaming the girl, but why she didn't crush her attackers' skulls between her thighs, tear out their intestines through their stomachs, and break their spinal cords in half with a right hook is, quite frankly, beyond me."

Kid flopped harder than LeBron.

$5,000 is a drop in the bucket. I want some sort of public shaming, damn it. Flopping is just embarrassing.

To make room for Tebow on the roster the Patriots waived Barabbas, for the purpose of giving him his unconditional release.

I am George Costanza!

In one motion, knocking that child out, the Mariners lost 30% of their attendance.

Would "most of Sergio's friends are negro athletes" have been better?