Sonar Jose

I would but I’m in the greys. Perhaps you can help me with that?

Please recommend this comment as many times as possible for a contest I’m trying to ruin.

Thanks. I’m obviously not a lawyer so may be unclear on how these things play out but even if those were the technical ramifications, would it have any practical impact if Goodell is betting (and correct) that basically 0% of his future decisions will be appealed to a court system outside the NFL offices?

One angle I haven’t heard anyone talking about is what seems to be most likely the case here to me - that Roger Goodell fully expected this, doesn’t give a shit if he loses in federal court, and would probably be just as happy if he did.

To be fair, he was trying to throw them in the bus.

jesus, man.

[reads joke]

I don't care it's 9 months too late, this is perfect.

i have been laughing at this for far too long.

I vote yes.

It would have been 64 but he rimmed out a five footer.

Isn't your username a joke about child rape?

No worries Tom, I finished it for you.

who cares

You're equating pretending to be a brazenly offensive caricature of a Native American with pretending to be Batman? For real?

Are you actually comparing fictional characters to Native Americans? You are aware that they're living, breathing human beings, right? They're not creations of someone's imagination — they're real. You see the difference?

Why the fuck are so many of you having trouble distinguishing between actual people living today and cartoons? Is it because you've never actually seen a person of color outside of a cartoon? Do you know any native Americans? Like by name? Or are they basically the same thing as Smurfs in your mind?

Skids and Mudflap were racist caricatures though. Your other examples are not. Chief Wahoo is the Native American sports equivalent of Prince Chawmin'