Sonar Jose

I was wondering about the rest of the season at first, but then thought maybe just the Nebraska game since it's their last home game and then they can be away from the frenzy after that. But now that I think about it more, I think you're right - the other games could be even worse.

With the understanding that the irreparable damage done to the victims, at the hands of a complicit system and at least one monstrous, monstrous man, is the overarching concern of any decent people here - can we talk about a few sports ramifications on this sports site for a minute?

The message concluded, "This university will self destruct in -15- minutes."

That's pretty ridiculous, but still not as offensive as the "What if everyone involved in Penn State scandal took pictures" Reddit thread.

I believe I would like that ... in theory. Though I also thought that about chocolate wine.

I only had a fifty, but you send change, right?

You don't get one of these little gold stars around here without a serious trial by that fire, my friend.

So, I joined the Twitter. Now what happens?

Sandusky Register: I'm just so happy to see ... the kids ... do certain things. Everything's great.

In keeping with tradition, everything will be blue but the whistles.


"While I'm not sure I would characterize the hindsight as a 'benefit', I too wish I had done more about it."

"We Are ..."

Like Jesus always said, "Know Guts, Know Glory."

I think this is actually a reference to the "Mark Sanchez" sexual position, which (to put it as politely as possible) ends with two clean faces and accidental smear marks all over the room.

"See? Some kids love the gym couch."

Damn it. Damn. It. All.

On the bright side, great news for some lucky third-world burn victim.