Sonar Jose

On a related piece of trivia, I'd just like to add that there still exists, in 2011, in a semi-major (NFL caliber) metropolitan city in the United States of America, a Nathan B. Forrest High School. For which, as recently as 2006, the school board again voted down the latest community petition to have the name

Thanks. From what I've learned, the female perspective appears to be very much in line with the anyone-who-is-anyone-who-knows-anything-about-this perspective, which I also previously lacked.

Exactly the sort of uncritically-accepted social bullshittery I was trying to avoid getting caught up in in the first place! I guess the answer is you just can't. When reason meets power ...

I don't know how to reply to multiple comments with one reply in the new Deadspin, so consider this to be intended @All Over But The Sharting, @StuartScottsEye, @MaverickIsAirborne and @elhebrewhammer ...

Wedding advice DUAN:

I hate to say it, but Fragile X-Men: First Class looks just terrible.

Can't we all just agree that it's both?

Well if scouting out where the best late-night double patty melt joints in town are for the week you're in the Super Bowl next year isn't what a "Scouting Combine" is for, then I don't know what it is.

What is this strange and confusing place? How do I put a stamp on this letter? ...

"Aaron Rodgers, you just won the Super Bowl, what are you gonna do next?"

In all fairness, this is fucking hysterical.

@lauren_jo: Just be on the lookout for an oversized package.

@lauren_jo: Excellent choice. I've heard the bathrooms in that stadium are spectacular. Floors so clean you could ... eat off them.

@lauren_jo: I've got an extra ticket to the whatever you want.

@Shalom Green: Honestly never seen it, and after just IMDBing it right now, probably never will.

@PolkPanther: I don't think you understand the concept of Occam's Razor.

@PolkPanther: But what if they conducted their exploration phase thousands of years ago, when our leather and rock inventions weren't emitting shit, and by the last couple hundred years their relationship with the fish was so well established that they just cruise directly into the designated oceanic entry points

@PolkPanther: I can look out into space right now and see constellations of stars grouped together, but I wouldn't head for them thinking they were cities if I was exploring. Plus, maybe they come from a planet with luminescent trees and just think it's all regular wilderness.