Some White Guy


Real talk: calm the fuck down.

Sounds like it’s time for a wee bit of regime change.

It’s simple. You have substance abuse issues. Blame it on whomever you like, but you’re the one with a problem.

That is not ironic.

I’m pretty sure the originals are just fine and in no way ruined.

This is some amazingly stupid shit right here.

Learn to spell, fuckwit.

This is the stupidest #notallmen ever.

Go fuck yourself, you United shill.

Did you sleep through your civics class?

You’re sort of an idiot.



That’s okay, we hate you, too.

The internet is forever, pumpkin.

Your husband is a dipshit. It’s the very definition of theft and your friends are thieves.

He’s not going to get better.

This guy is a tool. Don’t be that desperate.

Grow a pair, Nancy.