“Thanks, Curt.
“Thanks, Curt.
I struggle to balance “he’s a shit person”, with “he’s an employee who has not been convicted of anything.” The second is objectively true, and the first is subjectively true. Why shouldn’t he be allowed to work while the wheels of allegation and investigation and hopefully justice continue to turn?
I live literally half a mile from Soldier Field. When they are home, I know something big happened about 7 seconds before everybody sees it on TV because I hear a roar. I don’t know if it is good or bad, I just know it is big. This is not helping my blood pressure.
Since you asked, Leonard Floyd also got called for a bullshit personal foul for legally tackling someone earlier in the game.
And cocaine. Don’t forget all the cocaine he did.
Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.
And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.
Yeah, I doubt there is any contract you can sign in any business where you get $30M guaranteed and then immediately jet off to live in the Mediterranean and never be seen again, while the other side just shrugs their shoulders and says “Oh, well. I guess we have to keep paying him.” I would bet that the “guarantee”…
It’s a two way street. Guaranteed money is guaranteed to the extent that you don’t try to fight the GM in front of your teammates and actually show up to work. If you fail to uphold those hilariously low standards then there are clauses in your contract that allow the team to not uphold their end.
I’m extremely confused by all of this. He tried to fight his boss and has on multiple occasions refused to show up to work, and Deadspin’s biggest bone of contention seems to be that the Raiders are being unfair by not guaranteeing his salary.
I’m sorry but comparing the Raiders to a hot woman is just categorically wrong.
Playing for the Raiders would be like dating Wendi Deng, straight up.
It really seems like NFL contract shouldn’t be able to do this.
It’s too bad. Brown seemed to really want to be on the Raiders, but ultimately he just got cold feet.
This is all going to look really bad in two years when it comes out that he was diagnosed as being bipolar or something, but until then, “Wheeeeeeeeee!”
Thank you for this. Deadspin has been caping for AB during this whole thing when it is 100% AB's fault. None of the other hundreds of players have his problems, but somehow this is all the Raiders' fault.
This guy is mentally unstable. He can't last at a franchise like NE. He needs a Antonio Brown whisperer like what Marvin Lewis did for Burfict. That probably doesn't exist in the league right now.
I am an attorney. A bad one, but that is besides the point. I believe there a clause that any guarantees can be voided for “conduct detrimental to the team.” I would say committing a potential felony against the head coach and calling the GM “cracker” in front of the team meets that standard. But what do I know.
I know it’s hip and cool and edgy to blame the Raiders for this, but I fail to see how they’re in the wrong. This ALL is 100% in Antonio Clown’s hands.
Cum with me if you want to live...?