Sometimes I Rhyme Slow

That’s what is scary here. Derry itself is bad. Pennywise lived under it for so long his evil sort of crept into the very land that town sits on. Clown aren’t scary but a town infected by the evil of an alien menace to the point where they literally either can’t or won’t see bad things is... terrifying. And oddly

Nah, character concerns means that he’ll be in Cincinnati by Monday.

Bill Belichick will sign him next week and he'll be a three-time All-Pro for New England

Rusty Hardin sounds like a name you’d expect from a movie produced in San Fernando Valley

Former opiate addict here: can confirm, you are 100% correct. When my parents found out they also tried to blame everything but me: drug dealers, my friends, etc. I don’t know if I’ve convinced them that I’m an adult and I made my own bad choices on my own, but they’ve shut up about it in recent years at least.

No kidding. The thing, too, in my opinion is that the stigma needs to come off of drug abusers / addicts — that they’re all evil incarnate, hellbent on dragging as many people down as possible and stealing, mugging and killing as necessary along the way. I have friends who are/were recreational users and friends who

I used to work in a MLB locker room and I was sent out for a lot of shit at players’ behest. No drugs though. They had their agents and hangers on for that shit. Mostly, they would give me a 20 or 100 and have me pick up some take out or some garlic fries from the concourse and tell me to keep the change. I had a

“That’s not like him...” they say.

We will not rest until we learn the truth about how Tyler came into possession of these narcotics

I remember a documentary many years ago about the Judas Priest court case, in which a family sued the band for influencing, through its music, their teenaged son to attempt suicide and disable himself for life in the process. As a parent I now understand better their anguish and pain, but the documentarians also

I get the parent’s grief. But blaming some locker room attendant for running out to score him some drugs and not Skagg’s himself is some next level denial. His death is indeed tragic and I wish he got some help, but it was his decision to make this fatal mistake. Jamming up some underling is bullshit.

This is just sad. I battled with addiction for a number of years and have been sober for 4 years now. I count myself lucky that I cleaned myself up before fentanyl started flooding the market. I have known so many people...good people...that have died as a result of this shit that I sometimes feel desensitized to the

The family also said in their statement that abusing drugs and alcohol was “completely out of character” for Skaggs.

You see, they didn’t guess in 1998 or whatever that people would get pissed off about this in 2019.

Funny seeing people complaining about how dated the show the time it came out, there were a lot of think pieces about how cutting-edge it was, showing a then-new sociological concept, the “urban tribe” composed of the then-coming-of-age-and-mysterious GENERATION X, and how these characters did then-new stuff

I worry about the attitude of “cancel culture” that’s on the other side of this issue amongst forward-thinking liberals. Frequently, a shitty thing someone said in the past will come out and Tumblr users will wildly shout that we should stop consuming any and all things created by the person-who-said-a-bad-thing-once.

Not taking sides here or saying its ok for these players to be petty like this, but there is obviously something that Fenech wrote that ticked off Verlander. I get that the media is always biased toward other media, as evidenced by the “prevented from doing his job” line, but I feel like its a little lazy to publish

looks like you picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue

Oh for fucks sake. I was going to just save all of my frustration to unleash on today’s Why Your Team Sucks (Bears) and then move on with my fucking life. Had a little plan to get some work done, think of a few things that have been gnawing at my soul since that fucking missed kick and then welcome all the “haha go