Sometimes I Rhyme Slow

This. And if you haven’t read the Chicago team’s coverage then you wouldn’t understand why I subscribe. They go in-depth and regularly level advanced metrics and analytics. Plus Danny Leroux’s NBA column’s and salary cap analysis is worth the price of admission by itself. Leroy’s has stated that he gets to write

Deserving of more stars

Just curious - how else other than advertising should CNN get the $$$ it takes to pay their employees, most of whom don’t get anything close to the millions it takes to pay on-air talent like Coopper, Blitzer, and Burnett?

Almost none of them give a shit about us (including the demigod Squad) - trust me.

I honestly don’t know why more employees don’t unionize, but it has little or nothing to do with loopholes in the law. I live and breath that law every day, and it is absolutely set up to protect employees and labor organizations.

So you think Bernie sat on his hands and allowed them to unionize because he didn’t engage in illegal conduct, because everything you just described is illegal and would be reversed by the NLRB.

You don’t “allow” employees to unionize.  It’s their choice.  Employers can campaign against organizing, but ultimately, its the employees who vote on whether to organize.  

Bernie didn’t form that union;  the employees did, because Bernie wasn’t volunteering to treat them as they wanted to be.  That is how union organizing works....Chief.

That is true, but Bernie regularly accuses management that won’t give labor what it wants of being greedy bastards who make money on the backs of the working class. When you take an extreme position like that, you can’t have it both ways. You are or you are not. Bernie is casting stones at others when his own house

Kids as a rule are always better than adults at everything that matters.

This.  Splinter is a blog with takes and that is totally fine.  But at least do us the solid of admitting that the take in this post is less about journalism and more about that you don’t agree with what The Hill’s article implies.

They’re awaiting mass execution like the Jews at Dachau?

I’ve been banned for takes that contradict some of the all-time worst takes around here and can never seem to get outta the greys, most recently when I took on a take arguing that Robbie Gould was released because he was an outspoken critic of management in the context of labor relations (one of the dumbest things

+1.   Kevin O’Connor’s work is consistently excellent, but they won’t be able to admit that here at Deadspin, unfortunately.

That’s a dumb take that is contradicted by evidence: (1) There have been plenty of other players who were outspoken in favor of labor who played for the Bears for years; (2) reporting indicates that Pace asked the 49’ers about getting Gould back via trade before the draft this year and the Niners said “no”; (3)

He’s just pointing out how dumb it is to speculate without any hard info, aka, the Smith-Kellerman Method.

Even then, members who come to a union through new organizing campaigns typically don’t pay an initiation fee and pay discounted dues - and the raises they typically get thanks to union representation more than compensate them for the modest cost of union dues.


PS Steve: Brett Favre was probably the pettiest, most selfish and immature guy in the NFL while he was playing.

I’d like to know why violence towards a child wasn’t enough to get him suspended.