Sometimes I Rhyme Slow

They have figured out series, but their original full length feature offerings have been largely poor, sometimes comically so. They remind me of the SciFi Network or Hallmark Channel.

This is what I do, and I will be back when Westworld comes back, just to see if they can fix the dumpster fire that was Season 2 after Season 1 made me think we had the best parts of LOST and GoT rolled into one show. I am going to have to get Disney for The Mandalorian (I’ve been wanting to see a live action SW show

This place skews way too young these days to get that reference, but its freaking top notch.  well done.

Probably every hockey upset can be traced back to this.

Bridges has played one year on a terrible team.  Brandon Rush was a COMPLETELY different player.  Your argument is invalid.

If the Bulls land where they are expected to in the Draft, I really hope they grab De’Andre. At worst he’s Danny Green and at best he’s Kawhi.

You’re right, they would. But this makes it easy for their 4th grad reading level folks and is perfect for our low-attention span culture / 200 character/ headline culture.

The only reason not to fear that is that if a Dem wins in 2020, that Dem is in charge of the largest and most powerful military in the world. No matter what the cache of weapons looks like in your survival compound, POTUS’s is bigger.

Somoene - anyone - who can win a fucking nation election. Because frankly, defeating Trump is far more important than Bernie, bro.

The reality is that each and every organization - including SPLC and this one - are run by humans and humans are inherently flawed. The lesson isn’t that you should throw the baby out with the bathwater, its that we need to be more aware of those flaws and stop expecting people to be perfect reflections of the causes

Considering how fractured the Dems are and that we are likely to nominate someone who will alienate half the country and lead to trump getting re-elected, I really hope we get irrefutable evidence about the hookers peeing on the bed. It’s something fun at least.

Wrong. Knight’s players would never have felt comfortable enough with him to talk back (MSU’s did) or hold him back (ditto). You may not like what Izzo did here and I never enjoyed being on the receiving end when I played basketball, but his players’ reaction indicates they have a different relationship with him

This.  Pence is arguably scarier and probably would have a better chance at getting reelected.

I don’t have a problem with them ignoring the NET.  It appears to suck.  That said - and I am a native NY’er - the Johnnies have no business being in the field.

Thanks for telling me what to think and who to hate, but instead I think I will root for Bradley’s unpaid kids who:

They did it with her for the same reason as Stone:  they think there is evidence inside her home (likely on her computer(s) or phone) that is relevant and that she might have the opportunity to destroy if she isn’t forced to come out right away.  This is not anywhere near as big a deal as the clickbait headline would

It would have been amazing if Westbrook showed up during that interview and started walking towards him. That man’s eyes would have been filled with terror heretofore unseen in recorded history.

THIS.  I don’t go to a freaking MCU movie hoping that Coppola or Kubrick will be dethroned.  Just give me Star Wars with super heroes and I am a happy guy.

I know that, but I wasn’t trying to be funny.  You were, and you failed.

Plus Wall was actually a good player (if overpaid).  Wiggins is overpaid but has never been a good player.