
I hope Jessica Simpson is happy her shoes aren’t the most embarrassing anymore!


Can I borrow your time machine some time?

“We Are So Fucked! New Intel Chip Announced.” “We Are So Fucked! Microsoft Did Something.” “We Are So Fucked! New Computer Monitor Standards.” I could see it.

Because cybersecurity - and laws that stem from those efforts that affect technology, like SOPA and PIPA - aren’t tech news? Please. If you want to read tech reviews, CNET is over there waiting for you like a melted vanilla ice cream.

Also, maybe you want to do a report on Trump wearing black socks with blue pants. I believe you want to match your socks to the suit pants, and while matching them with your shoes is OK, I guess, you’d think a billionaire president-elect would be looking sharper on his first trip to his new home.

I am not bleeding from my eyes, I’m bleeding from my wherever.

Australopithecus afarensis? Yeah haven’t seen her in like 2.1 million years.

The writer of The Fifth Element has a new sci-fi movie coming out? Is there a specific protocol to throwing my money at him? Do I rubber band it? Or should it be loose?

There’s no trailer showing up- just two words, in a space: “TRAILER HERE”.

Very minimalist.

Yeah, no change.

Why is this bomb different from all the others?

Nice to see Huma has finally sworn off Weiner for good.

The Saints secondary has been doing this for years.

I am not sure what is more annoying, the people who don’t understand the first amendment or the people who constantly have to comment on people misunderstanding it.

the first amendment only applies to the government, not to private corporations. and your comment is right here for all to see, so...

The issues he raises are valid, health care, corruption, trade deficits etc.

Maybe the “extreme vetting” should be applied to his own campaign staff rather than refugees...