
Mutual funds will BURN you. Most of them (99%) never outperform the market over course of 10 years and cost 1-2% of you returns so that you are easily making less then in a low cost index fund.

Just some advice: don’t lead your factual arguement with a link to “”. One, it’s Reddit, and two, some of its mods are openly white supremesist.

Dude, you need to go watch the Mayne Event special with Marhsawn. How can you be bitter when they immediately drafted CJ to replace him and gave him zero confidence to do his thing?

The fact that this is in landscape, like a sensible human being, makes it immediately too self-aware for my expectations of a Bills’ tailgate.

I was waiting for this...

Someone, somewhere out there has to have a copy of the radio ad Ray Rice did for a local jeweler where he says something along the line of “protect your girl with a rock”. If that could be dug up, it would make my year.

Now playing

As we all know, nothing can kill the Grimace

Killed it on Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things?? Let’s Find Out!

Wasn’t she also high on support for the whole Bundy saga?

Who is Tyrell talking to on the phone? I could make out “James” - you think it was the same one that killed himself on air in episode 10?

Just stoked that they seeming kept the theme. Anyone else?

Zero meth?

Varys/Wildfire in Dorne, Red Keep burns or the Tommen takes his Mom’s place in death, Sam loses the sword, and Bran dicks around in the past but doesn’t confirm Jon Snow is who we all know he is.

And not Bush?

It’s probably already been said, but Arya already learned the face changing magic when she killed Jaqen, no?

Why is he so afraid?

Can we get a Supreme 2020 campaign going?

Counter point: Only time I hear someone say GOT isn’t awesome is on the internet.

I thought it was already common knowledge that aliens love to ruin White Guy, White Ball

As a salty Bills fan, I guess you’re too young to remember the 90's