
FBI: You’ve got nothing to hide? Give us a few minutes and you will.

Talk about Koreshing my hopes and dreams, amirite?

Will this determine once and for all if Ted Cruz can pass a Turing Test? (“It just keeps talking about Jesus and tax cuts—I’m going to say a poorly coded program from the Reagan era”)

You’re one of the people I’m talking about!

Seven decades of data say that isn’t what happens.

God, I just can’t seem to remember why I haven’t been to an NFL game in the last 10 years

Congratulations for perpetuating rhetoric that does absolutely nothing to improve the world. Your “geologic-time” approach to this particular issue is one of the many challenges being faced by scientists and policy makers that want the human race to also persist in geologic time.

Kim Pegula, who owns the team along with her husband Terry. I should have added that the hacker didn’t need to call her a cunt.

The leader of North Korea. Read a book.

Serious question, haven’t the last 4 decades of the NBA been sufficient proof that traveling just isn’t going to be called, and that we should all just accept that fact and move on with our lives?

This week

While we may not have any hard proof (YET), there is a 0% chance Steve Bannon has never said nigger.

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

Hey hey, whoa now. Calling neo-nazis “Fecal-Americans” is a disservice to fecal matter. Manure is actually beneficial to the world.

Fuck CNN

Doug should realize everyone would be expecting a slant from Bevell.

He is DEFINITELY the worst Baldwin brother.

Just sounds like a Sliders rehash to me, except with more standing sets. Though Neil Gaiman’s involvement is promising.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

“OK people, step one is get that statue of Jay Z out of here. He said a lot of nasty things about me.”