
Oh no, oh my god no.

This quote from Neil Gaiman about political correctness has stuck with me:

I was under the impression that the “I Robot” film was already written when they aquired the film rights to Asimov’s book, and they just shoehorned a few ideas into it and slapped on the title.

The Browns may not win the Super Bowl this year. They might not be AFC champs. They might not even take their division. But with RG3, they’re bound to overthrow somebody.

I want Bernie and Killer Mike to ride off into the sunset together, touring America and having wacky adventures.

Absolutely. But what goes on between a fan and his own team in the privacy of his own home is nobody’s business.


I mean, it’s not even accurate. He probably doesn’t even own any minorities.

I’m not sure it was really necessary to refer to the Cuban-born Sabates as a “minority” in this racist headline.

So the 3,125th element?

Also, in 2000 (nearly a half a century after a landmark study established the link between cigarettes and lung cancer), he wrote: “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.” He has repeatedly slashed smoking cessation programs and takes money

Can’t find his name in the phone book.


I had a LOT of fun in my twenties, then had two kids so I guess this represents my vag to crazy, possibly fictitious god sandwich lady.

“Certainly,” continued Welker, “he’s nothing like me. I mean, come on, he catches passes in the Super Bowl for Christsakes!”

Welker appeared on Boston radio show Toucher and Rich

Never bring a Pokemon to a GTA fight.

Isn’t this the point of the game? Go to real-life locations, find some pokemon or trainer, fight them, and the winner gets the loser’s pokemon and wallet? I mean, that’s how I’ve been playing. I nailed an 8 year old in the knee with a tire iron for a sweet Jigglypuff and some pogs.

I keep forgetting purity balls are not some weird sex device but a creepy father-daughter dance where he pledges to protect her virtue.