
I choose the deniers should be the first one to go.

“Heaven help us if one of the conditions is to pee in a bottle.”

Give the kid a break, he learned how to play defense from James Harden.

We did deserve Obama and the recovery he brought. We also deservered Bush and the disaster he brought. Whoever we put in office, we deserve it, good or bad.

the Brexit panic already has Europeans fleeing to take jobs from hard working Americans I see.

I’m sick of Deadspin’s political commentary. Why are you guys showing a Trump rally? Stick to sports.

the other guy w/ the leg kick

Take a breather, Matt Stafford.

Fish equips Armor of Phylum Cnidaria. Gains +40 Defense

We can always build more killbots.

I believe in economy of words. You’ve got four extra in the headline.

Ha! That’s nothing. This country has Florida. Top that!!

“Get ready to shred, brah!”

Please be California, please be California...!

Deadspin needs to use a NSFW tag if they’re going to show a pic of a prick and an asshole.

I read that comment quickly and somehow assumed he was making fun of climate change denial. My mistake. I think this meme encapsulates the problem pretty well.