lol at first I thought you were hoping your husband would get the help he needs for being an Aggie fan! But now I get that you’re talking about poor Johnny Football. Makes more sense!
lol at first I thought you were hoping your husband would get the help he needs for being an Aggie fan! But now I get that you’re talking about poor Johnny Football. Makes more sense!
Thank GOD it’s not Taylor Swift. At least 2016 spared us from that.
This doesn’t have enough stars.
This. I work in State government in TN and we have to sign conflict of interest disclosures for every single transaction. How does the President get to avoid this?
I heard they’re going to hire Nick Saban. People are saying, all the best people.
I think she looks so good! Her hair doesn’t bother me as much. I think the color of the dress is really boring. Like, put it in a mustard yellow, and it would be best look of the night. I’m partial though because I feel like I have her same body type.
I just like that you keep calling them “Bald Daddies.” ALL THE LOLZ
Schwartz is indeed an asshole, but he’s so damn cute. His boyish dopiness gets me every time. And don’t worry, I’m totally aware of how shameful this opinion is. :(
My husband and I got into an argument about whether or not the hosts at the end were slaughtering the Delos board on their own conscious choice or if they were acting under Ford / Arnold’s programming. I believe they were acting according to their programming. I am of the mind that the robots can never truly reach…
Ah, I was unaware of the stats. I just feel like it doesn’t hold the same reverence in pop culture like One Sweet Day or Always Be My Baby does. It seems easier to forget how good of a song it actually is, but I have literally no objective facts to support my claim.
Mimi can do no wrong. Her concert was the first concert I ever attended as a 13 year old, and her twenty something outfit changes made a profound impact on the person I am today. We Belong Together is criminally underrated.
Every fan of a star-crossed team knows that feeling, when you don’t want to buy in, but you kinda do because things SEEM different this time. This time, your team has been blessed by a magic fairy who will open up every running lane and trip every opposing wideout using a Hold Person spell.
Ok but like, where’s Feinberg? Is she ok? Has anyone checked on her lately??
I LOVE FETTY WAP!! Have you heard his Christmas song? It’s fantastic.
He tweets like that because he’s the same tangerine crank he’s always been, given the keys to an impossibly fast car that he’ll careen into a gorge with all of us screaming in the back.
Cheeto Hitler is my new favorite moniker. So accurate!!
Just what 2016 was missing! A GIANT FUCKING EARTHQUAKE