Something Generic

Good thing it wasn’t white.

LEGO wheels. Yes.

the Dodge Ball

I rather liked the Audi from I, Robot. It appears to just be a gussied up TT, but it fit the design of the movie so well.

As a tall man, I just have to say, it's not the availability of tall-person friendly cars... it's the price. The fact that there is a premium on being tall makes me look at all you short arses in your STi's and the like (former STi owner here - still recovering from the damage to my body) and think, "Fuck you!"

If you're going to own a shitbox beater like this you need to know how to work on it. Otherwise it's going to spend it's life in the shop extracting thousands of dollars from you.

I will never get tired of saying this, there can be only one S1.

Paid leave? That's a fucking vacation!

Such a classy beast. I love the copper, it looks SO good.

I appreciate sarcasm, but this was a little over the top.

Add to this the improved seating position, etc and you've got a heck of an entry from Audi. Cannot wait for the epic VAG throwdown this July at the Circuit de la Sarthe!

Escalade, because 95% of NBA players can't be wrong.

"This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient, but I do love Fig Newtons"

This wasn't ridiculous on paper, but probably wins for dumbest sponsorship + driver combo - the Steinmetz Diamonds sponsorship of Jaguar F1 at Monaco in 2004 that included embedding a $200,000 flawless diamond in the nose of the car. Unfortunately, they picked the car driven by that year's most-likely-to-crash