Something Generic

How is the mid-engine RWD minivan losing?!?!

NINE!? RAWR outrage that my suggestion didn't make it AND you cut the list shorter than every other day - sincerely, all Jalopnik commentatorists

The Mitsubishi Pajero. Pajero is Spanish slang for "He who fiddles with himself for sexual gratification."

The white 458 and the Lambo both don't look that bad I think.

Zeta all the continents!

Aussie suspension and American engine makes one tempting car.

I'm going to pick on you here, Patrick, but I think this is just the latest example.

They should partner with Apple, then you could have the Adam'S Apple.

Sweden officially has the coolest cars...

DKW/Auto Union 1000Sp

Ahhhh, the future...

I would still own one of these so hard. So damn hard.

Let's not forget that he apparently told Danica that his hood blocked his view. The replay showed that was a lie.

The grand pre-war era of speed was an astonishing time. Pilots like Caracciola and Bernd Rosemeyer routinely drove their cars at speeds that even to this day cause plenty of pucker in even the most seasoned drivers.

No matter how awesome this thing is, there can only be one true Audi S1!

Local Motors Rally Fighter, Icon Motors Ford Bronco, or a Legacy Power Wagon.