One minor quibble: the two western-most counties in Maryland are most definitely Appalachia. Especially Garrett.
I will never not star a picture of a bear.
I can’t imagine what a national writer goes through when they root for a bad team and have to write things about said bad team for all the world to consume. The constant derision from commentors, Twitter followers blowing up your mentions, assholes who recognize you in public... I mean, I’m a Nats fan, and I dread…
I really want to know: how much affect would you say writing these soul-crushing pieces about your team, has had on your overall mental health?
Way to drive the pun home.
People are saying this. You really do hear this, more and more.
As both a Wizards fan and Storm Duck fan, I am 100% behind this.
Good point, which...
Terrible...and yet, I starred.
Really should’ve gone with Guttenberg.
One is a terrible gateway to far worse things, and the other is weed.
Not a chance. He’d probably find wearing a sash to be too feminine for a big manly man like himself.
You’re just proving my point here—that kind of trash doesn’t make NYC a “tough” media market. There’s no hard-hitting journalism going on there. That’s just NYC media types being assholes because that’s what they believe they’re supposed to do.
Roth, the next Deadcast should just be you reading this aloud in your best Francesa voice.
I’m going to preface this with saying I’m not in NY, and I’m not from NY, so I’m sure all the “NYC IS THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE” people are going to decry this take as “you’re not from there, so you can’t possibly understand,” but...
Apocalypse is really the X-Men’s major, MCU Thanos-level threat (at least in terms of characters that would translate well to screen). He’s someone they could have built up to, over the course of a few movies...and instead, we got the otherwise-wonder Oscar Issac as an extremely neutered version of the greatest…
Not Starz?
Barry, after this post, they’ll be sending exactly one cop and one troop to come get you.